The exclusion list was never meant to be interpreted as a final decision. Want to know how I know?
The included appeal process.
Fair enough. It isn't perfect (which is actually what I want to help with) and I do wish they had announced a timeline of...say 13 weeks. However infairness full details of the appeal haven't been made public left, which is also why I want some of my opinions considered or heard.
You could be right about hiccups in the code, and that would help explain a lot amd support your argument that it isn't about punishment. If anything, maybe it was easier and not worth the risk in finding out.
I'm glad no one is disagreeing with the right to appeal. There are a few concerns - does their future stake count towards yes. Also is there a NO side to beat so we can record positions? I'm hoping there is at east a no side and if it is razor thin, we consider their forfieted influence.
I do agree it is messy and complicated. The decision was made in haste amd for good reason. Now is a chance to tryband clear up confusion amd misunderstandings. I'm not here to make factual events confusing. I'm here to make people question if no airdrop is justified (punishment fits the crime). If the bloclchain is still under threat, yeah don't do it, but I think we are safe now.
That one cracks me up. LOL!
Wait for the dang facts! Then form opinions. Jeez you guys... What good is hearsay and gossip leading to conspiracy theory? Twisted narratives combined with the 'guessing game' is what got us all in this mess to begin with! Silly humans. When will you learn...
Have a good day, dude.
Lol it does sound ridiculous. My meaning is more to help influence and design of the appeal not to speculate.
I remember you saying too much is discussed off chain and on discord. I imagine that is where much of the design is taking place.
I'm glad we are having discussion here even if it is enduring, visible and harder for me to eat my words.