
I think these posts cannot support their valuations.

Yeah I saw a post from acidyo showing views on his posts from peakd stats and checked the one he showed with 150 views had $60 in rewards!! what's that 10,000(ten thousand) times what youtube gives 🤣🤣

Thats is still ok, there might be posts with 10 views and $10, just because of auto votes or self vote.

How is it still OK?
The reward and ranking system based on the vote amount was to rank posts so the 'cream' I.e high quality content would go to the top of hash tags so that it would encourage traffic to the site and new content creators and repeat

The current practice as it always has drives users who join the platform away after a short time and looks like a joke vs any other "content" site if you could say that.

Unless you think all those posts on trending by devs and witnesses have visitors thinking how talented they are and consider investing to support? Imo doubhtful
Take the user retention 1.3 mill accounts, 12k that make transactions daily being overly fair say all are unique is 6%, after 4 years don't see how those are good figures not discounting alt accounts bots and autos

That's absolutely correct, the problem is again we don't have people coming from outside that much which we would like to have. User retention is one of the problem, what do you think can be improved for user retention, is it evenly distribute the rewards which I don't think so can happen.

Yes I know Fundementaly Flawed as a content site is used as a money farm by whales always has been for a very short while flagging was heavy in 2017 prob when the most users joined but efforts were given up due to the massive increase in vote amounts and the cost to vote now flags are free and the power of farmers is absolute, no democracy exists here since old bot owners and farmers got there stake for free not to mention the preminers who got millions at little cost and used to farm after.
After 4 years its obvious they will never change which in turn will gurantee little users will never stay once they experience enough of it to learn the face value

That's absolutely true, since the bot owners got their stake and they can wish to upvote any one they wants.

Yes now it is their stake after taking it from the reward pool for years so they stole their stake from anyone else who was posting since upvoted bots started