More information for you. As I look up, you're categorized by province, I assume.
- Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (Full province name), NAD (Abbreviation), and Atjeh (Old spelling) is Aceh
- "Sumatera" (Sumatra) as a province isn't in Aceh but Aceh is a part of Sumatra island.
- "Sumatera Utara" (North Sumatra) isn't Aceh. It's another province.
*common mistake for tourists as Aceh is the northern part of Sumatra Island. - There's "Taiwan" and "USA" gets lost in the list😂
- Bayu isn't in Aceh, it's in East Java
- Medan is part of North Sumatra, not Aceh.
- Bireuen Achenese is in Aceh.
- There are some "Lhokseumawe" separated into "Indonesia" and "Aceh". Well, it's the name of a city in Aceh.
P.S. I see some casino-related usernames. !LOL
I've just gone by the places commonly used on profiles. I knew there would be issues, but I will leave it to the local community to improve the list. I am just kicking it off.