Hi @arcange I know you are the man with good knowledge about these situations and I am reaching out to you I really need you assistance and advice on this sad scenario last night I accidentally transfer 628.386 Hives to the Hive Block Explorer account ( @deepcrypto ) I typed in deepcrypto instead of deepcrypto8
I would gratefully appreciate your help any advice on how I can get my hives transferred back into my account @kohsamui99
I would be most appreciative and grateful if you could point me in the right direction. I will attach my proof of transfer below and a screenshot of the Hive Block Explorer account where my hives are sitting now.
Thank you so much in advance @arcange
Hello @kohsamui99,
Let's go straight to the point: unfortunately, your HIVEs are lost!
What is strange is that he also never cashed out the funds transferred, but that is another story.I'm sorry but there is nothing anyone can do to help you recover your funds, except the owner of the @deepcrypto account. You are not the first one to make the same mistake and as you can see from @deepcrypto's wallet history he has never responded or refunded anyone.
Once again, sorry for your loss.
I wouldn't worry about the lost funds at all @arcange , @kohsamui99 and his farm of alts have been scamming, abusing and milking on Hive for many years, he never deserved these regards in the first place
Oh, didn't know about that. Thank you for your feedback @livinguktaiwan.
BTW, may I ask you to support the HiveBuzz proposal. It's been unfunded a few days ago and it's struggling to get back above the HBD stabilizer.
Thank you!
Thank you @arcange for getting back to me I figured that would be the case he is very smart creating a account like that I suppose he will cash out when hive hits top. Thanks again buddy for responding.