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RE: Numbers for the upcoming Hardfork

in Hive Statistics5 years ago

I was always under the impression that the community agreed to the first soft-fork to just freeze the ninja mined stakes. and one which I did support.

But now there are too many accounts which seem to have been affected. If there was a tech side to it, I would not dare to intervene as I am not a tech guy. But overall it makes me uneasy to carry on with a vindictive approach when we have already forked away and moved on. And it makes me worried for the future.

For me, just freezing out the ninja mined and stinc held stakes would have been enough, and I would have carried on hiving away.


I was always under the impression that the community agreed to the first soft-fork to just freeze the ninja mined stakes. and one which I did support.

Yes, me too. But we decided to get a little revenge on some whose actions clearly demonstrated they support centralization after.

But overall it makes me uneasy to carry on with a vindictive approach when we have already forked away and moved on. And it makes me worried for the future.

Me too. The punishment doesn't fit the crime and too many have escaped justice. Not to mention that in civil society, the idea is reform and not punishment.

Delaying their airdrops by 3~4 months and making them apologize and agree to participate kindly would have been enough.

Thebreal issue is the vulnerability of the system. Hate the game not the players.

making them apologize and agree to participate kindly

You really think they'd stand by their word? They've already shown they have no honour and their promises are useless

The point is to get it on record. If people feel strongs need to be attached that's fine.

Their promises to not freeze funds are on record too, and guess where those promises went