Welcome to my Hive vs Steem Stats Report for Friday, April 9, 2021. All data is collected directly from the Steem and Hive blockchains and is based on UTC time.
1. Posts, including comments
Date | Hive Posts | Steem Posts |
2021-04-08 | 22,674 | 29,753 |
2021-04-07 | 21,941 | 26,981 |
2021-04-06 | 24,469 | 28,175 |
2021-04-05 | 24,401 | 23,856 |
2021-04-04 | 21,768 | 23,173 |
2021-04-03 | 23,885 | 22,093 |
2021-04-02 | 22,478 | 23,562 |
2021-04-01 | 22,867 | 22,663 |
2. Posts, excluding comments
Date | Hive Posts | Steem Posts |
2021-04-08 | 5,955 | 9,219 |
2021-04-07 | 5,937 | 9,144 |
2021-04-06 | 6,389 | 9,982 |
2021-04-05 | 7,180 | 9,038 |
2021-04-04 | 5,466 | 8,127 |
2021-04-03 | 5,617 | 8,261 |
2021-04-02 | 6,082 | 9,887 |
2021-04-01 | 6,174 | 8,283 |
3. Average number of comments per post
4. Daily number of votes
Date | Hive Votes | Steem Votes |
2021-04-08 | 276,724 | 204,297 |
2021-04-07 | 303,364 | 201,461 |
2021-04-06 | 273,472 | 199,610 |
2021-04-05 | 306,101 | 196,325 |
2021-04-04 | 284,228 | 194,378 |
2021-04-03 | 282,930 | 192,544 |
2021-04-02 | 294,564 | 183,648 |
2021-04-01 | 284,906 | 188,189 |
5. Daily accounts transacting
Date | Hive accounts transacting | Steem accounts transacting |
2021-04-08 | 15,057 | 15,886 |
2021-04-07 | 15,124 | 16,092 |
2021-04-06 | 20,487 | 21,634 |
2021-04-05 | 16,155 | 15,648 |
2021-04-04 | 13,091 | 14,808 |
2021-04-03 | 14,824 | 14,874 |
2021-04-02 | 14,869 | 16,871 |
2021-04-01 | 14,843 | 16,331 |
6. Daily number of users that are posting
Date | Hive accounts posting | Steem accounts posting |
2021-04-08 | 4,079 | 5,258 |
2021-04-07 | 4,161 | 5,288 |
2021-04-06 | 4,318 | 5,502 |
2021-04-05 | 4,369 | 5,225 |
2021-04-04 | 3,992 | 4,712 |
2021-04-03 | 3,965 | 4,769 |
2021-04-02 | 4,040 | 4,905 |
2021-04-01 | 4,116 | 4,872 |
7. New accounts created
Date | Hive new accounts | Steem new accounts |
2021-04-08 | 438 | 790 |
2021-04-07 | 343 | 733 |
2021-04-06 | 340 | 777 |
2021-04-05 | 377 | 748 |
2021-04-04 | 300 | 504 |
2021-04-03 | 386 | 673 |
2021-04-02 | 381 | 524 |
2021-04-01 | 354 | 645 |
8. Vesting / Power UP
Date | Hive powered UP | Steem powered UP |
2021-04-08 | 64,501 | 116,273 |
2021-04-07 | 54,115 | 192,307 |
2021-04-06 | 14,627 | 50,900 |
2021-04-05 | 16,963 | 69,699 |
2021-04-04 | 8,625 | 34,119 |
2021-04-03 | 22,435 | 82,730 |
2021-04-02 | 16,260 | 137,730 |
2021-04-01 | 79,617 | 72,927 |
9. HIVE & STEEM transferred
10. HIVE & STEEM Transfers to and from exchanges
This chart shows the difference between deposits and withdrawals on all exchanges. Transfers from one exchange to another are excluded. A negative number means more withdrawn than deposited.
Visit my websites: HiveBlockExplorer.com - Hive-Now.com - CoinMarkets.today
¯\___(ツ)____/¯ Follow me @penguinpablo for daily Hive statistics.
The activity on Steem is higher than on HIVE because the price of SBD is higher than the price of HBD. It incentives content creators to post on Steem. People, simply, earn more.
If the value of HBD continues to be depressed then in the long run more people will switch to Steem. To be honest, I am a big proponent of HIVE (and Hive Power holder) and would like to see HIVE thrive but this is simply the reality.
Thank you for posting this. It's good to be back and I can tell that Hive has much more REAL interaction than steemit does.
It is interesting to see that nowadays there are more Steem posts than Hive posts.
I don't have any steem, should I buy some?
All gaps that measure real engagement continue to show that Hive is more alive...
Do you mean the number of upvotes, and also the number of comments per post? I agree these are great measures for Hive to track and measure
It was very interesting to observe these comparisons. I was a little shocked by the number of messages on STEEM per day.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think some people are going back to Steemit from the old 2017 days who left....only to find a ghost town and a bunch of bots...then they come here. At least that is what I did.
Smile. And I did the same. More recently, I finally decided to move FULLY to HIVE and concentrate on this platform with maximum effort.
Link to vote for @cranium as a witness
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
stil a lot of correlation...
Better tell more people on hive that they have a great post.
Get those numbers up.
Personally, I like to receive something more meaningful in the comment than "great post" :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great post. I agree with this post.
The dead that you kill are in good health
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great stuff, Graph 8 lines of hive do not match with the numbers maybe.
#TWINCHAINZ that´s what it should stay .
Lets invite SteemEans to also Post on #HIVE , let´s go back active on #STEEM also.