The charts below show how much HIVE is stored on each exchange where HIVE is listed.
Rule #1 in the crypto world: Don't store your cryptocurrencies on an exchange!
HIVE stored on all exchanges
HIVE stored on Upbit
HIVE stored on Binance
HIVE stored on Huobi
HIVE stored on Bittrex
HIVE stored on Bithumb
HIVE stored on CoinEx
HIVE stored on Probit
HIVE stored on Ionomy
HIVE stored on MXC
How much HIVE is currently stored on each exchange?
Exchange | Balance | Last week | Change | % |
Upbit | 83,753,794 HIVE | 83,524,491 HIVE | +229,303 HIVE | +0.3% |
Binance | 24,113,463 HIVE | 24,369,441 HIVE | -255,978 HIVE | -1.1% |
Huobi | 1,825,342 HIVE | 1,824,084 HIVE | +1,258 HIVE | +0.1% |
Bittrex | 7,748,037 HIVE | 7,745,712 HIVE | +2,325 HIVE | +0.0% |
Bithumb | 6,954,864 HIVE | 7,152,985 HIVE | -198,121 HIVE | -2.8% |
CoinEx | 143,979 HIVE | 152,301 HIVE | -8,322 HIVE | -5.5% |
Probit | 98,417 HIVE | 92,991 HIVE | +5,426 HIVE | +5.8% |
Ionomy | 17,432 HIVE | 20,301 HIVE | -2,869 HIVE | -14.1% |
MXC | 114,202 HIVE | 116,772 HIVE | -2,570 HIVE | -2.2% |
Total amount of HIVE stored on all exchanges: 124,769,530 HIVE
Total HIVE supply: 378,809,429 HIVE
Non-Vested HIVE: 224,219,934 HIVE
- 32.9% of the total supply is stored on the exchanges.
- 55.6% of all non-vested HIVE is stored on the exchanges.
HBD on the exchanges
Exchange | HBD Balance |
Upbit | 2,860,548 HBD |
Bittrex | 402,699 HBD |
Total | 3,263,247 HBD |
Is there any good replacement for storing our cryptos on exchanges? Kindly mention
In general, people shd prefer dex wallet at least for HIVE like currencies which does not incur any fee. They cam move it freely and quickly.