The charts below show how much HIVE is stored on each exchange where HIVE is listed.
Rule #1 in the crypto world: Don't store your cryptocurrencies on an exchange!
HIVE stored on all exchanges

HIVE stored on Huobi

HIVE stored on Binance

HIVE stored on Bittrex

HIVE stored on Upbit

HIVE stored on Bithumb

HIVE stored on Probit

HIVE stored on Ionomy

HIVE stored on MXC

HIVE stored on Ethereum (WHIVE)

How much HIVE is currently stored on each exchange?

Exchange | Balance | Last week | Change | % |
Huobi | 10,061,603 HIVE | 8,897,427 HIVE | +1,164,176 HIVE | +13.1% |
Binance | 53,072,451 HIVE | 43,686,445 HIVE | +9,386,006 HIVE | +21.5% |
Bittrex | 14,564,864 HIVE | 14,140,195 HIVE | +424,669 HIVE | +3.0% |
Upbit | 47,433,856 HIVE | 58,233,607 HIVE | -10,799,751 HIVE | -18.5% |
Bithumb | 5,014,549 HIVE | 5,818,614 HIVE | -804,065 HIVE | -13.8% |
Probit | 103,449 HIVE | 109,534 HIVE | -6,085 HIVE | -5.6% |
Ionomy | 35,314 HIVE | 24,091 HIVE | +11,223 HIVE | +46.6% |
MXC | 202,755 HIVE | 204,413 HIVE | -1,658 HIVE | -0.8% |
Ethereum (WHIVE) | 19,502 HIVE | 19,502 HIVE | 0 HIVE | +0.0% |
Total amount of HIVE stored on all exchanges: 130,508,343 HIVE
Total HIVE supply: 383,429,735 HIVE
Non-Vested HIVE: 241,497,874 HIVE
- 34.0% of the total supply is stored on the exchanges.
- 54.0% of all non-vested HIVE is stored on the exchanges.
binance amount is massive.