The charts below show how much HIVE is stored on each exchange where HIVE is listed.
Rule #1 in the crypto world: Don't store your cryptocurrencies on an exchange!
HIVE stored on all exchanges
HIVE stored on Huobi
HIVE stored on Binance
HIVE stored on Bittrex
HIVE stored on Upbit
HIVE stored on Probit
HIVE stored on Ionomy
HIVE stored on MXC
How much HIVE is currently stored on each exchange?
Exchange | Balance | Last week | Change | % |
Huobi | 43,394,422 HIVE | 42,606,774 HIVE | +787,648 HIVE | +1.8% |
Binance | 30,154,789 HIVE | 30,800,285 HIVE | -645,496 HIVE | -2.1% |
Bittrex | 18,364,011 HIVE | 18,468,492 HIVE | -104,481 HIVE | -0.6% |
Upbit | 7,305,858 HIVE | 7,514,000 HIVE | -208,142 HIVE | -2.8% |
Probit | 74,549 HIVE | 79,705 HIVE | -5,156 HIVE | -6.5% |
Ionomy | 36,392 HIVE | 34,776 HIVE | +1,616 HIVE | +4.6% |
MXC | 47,261 HIVE | 6,383 HIVE | +40,878 HIVE | +640.4% |
Total amount of HIVE stored on all exchanges: 99,377,282 HIVE
Total HIVE supply: 358,524,517 HIVE
Non-Vested HIVE: 221,030,196 HIVE
- 27.7% of the total supply is stored on the exchanges.
- 45.0% of all non-vested HIVE is stored on the exchanges.
Hive is on exchanges because people are trying to sell it.
Also water is wet :p