The charts below show how much HIVE is stored on each exchange where HIVE is listed.
Rule #1 in the crypto world: Don't store your cryptocurrencies on an exchange!
HIVE stored on all exchanges

HIVE stored on Huobi

HIVE stored on Binance

HIVE stored on Bittrex

HIVE stored on Upbit

HIVE stored on Bithumb

HIVE stored on Probit

HIVE stored on Ionomy

HIVE stored on MXC

HIVE stored on Ethereum (WHIVE)

How much HIVE is currently stored on each exchange?

Exchange | Balance | Last week | Change | % |
Huobi | 35,789,701 HIVE | 35,789,701 HIVE | 0 HIVE | +0.0% |
Binance | 33,625,482 HIVE | 33,826,113 HIVE | -200,631 HIVE | -0.6% |
Bittrex | 15,483,310 HIVE | 15,284,878 HIVE | +198,432 HIVE | +1.3% |
Upbit | 22,176,244 HIVE | 20,576,326 HIVE | +1,599,918 HIVE | +7.8% |
Bithumb | 12,156,599 HIVE | 12,500,579 HIVE | -343,980 HIVE | -2.8% |
Probit | 112,942 HIVE | 109,188 HIVE | +3,754 HIVE | +3.4% |
Ionomy | 39,167 HIVE | 29,773 HIVE | +9,394 HIVE | +31.6% |
MXC | 51,988 HIVE | 50,810 HIVE | +1,178 HIVE | +2.3% |
Ethereum (WHIVE) | 30,566 HIVE | 30,566 HIVE | 0 HIVE | +0.0% |
Total amount of HIVE stored on all exchanges: 119,465,999 HIVE
Total HIVE supply: 374,354,774 HIVE
Non-Vested HIVE: 234,604,590 HIVE
- 31.9% of the total supply is stored on the exchanges.
- 50.9% of all non-vested HIVE is stored on the exchanges.
I find you very positive on the platform. Can you tell me why you regularly create Hive archives, recurring and liquidity reports topics.
To inform the community about what's going on on the blockchain :)
Hive inflation still too high
So many coins dumped on exchanges
Sadly all this hive backed tokens don't drop the count