You can see on State of the Dapps that Splinterlands has a lot of users. Peakd and each have almost as many as Steemit.
Hive has to be a better experience than Steem for it to succeed. The higher token price will help, but we are starting from scratch with marketing and don't even have a company behind it, even though Steemit did bugger all. I think the growth could come from more underground marketing. We need some people with a decent following elsewhere to give it a try and bring some fans over. Musicians and other entertainers who can not get out to perform right now may be interested if we can get their attention.
Should we be double posting on steem you think?
It's a personal choice. If you have an audience who are not on Hive then you need to reach them on Steem. Most people I know have moved across. In any case I have got on the Steemit naughty list so my posts won't make anything. Some were 'milking' rewards there, but now the main Steem auto-voting service has shut down they make less. There's also the factor of people powering down so their votes are smaller.
You may have seen the latest news. Steemit stealing rewards makes Steem very unappealing to most of us.
Yes I've been reading up and catching up on what I missed, really shitty behavior on that side of the crypto pond.