The Brazil List: January 2025

in Hive Statisticslast month


I have been compiling lists of Hivers in various countries using @hivesql. The profile location data is not very consistent, but I try to group people by area when there are a few. There may be some mistakes due to my lack of local knowledge. If I have listed you incorrectly then please let me know.

It actually does not take long to put these lists together, but finding all the people in a country takes more work. I will leave it to the national communities to do that and will make the source data available on Github. Anyone can edit that and use my scripts to produce posts like this. It just needs a little Python knowledge and I can assist to get you started.

I have no plans to run these lists often (apart from the monthly #Britlist), so it will be up to others to do so. Please tag me if you do and I will support the posts.

Brazilian flag from Wikipedia


Currently there are lists like this for:

You may note that some big Hive countries such as USA and Venezuela are not on this list, but those will be big jobs to compile and I would need help with them.


It is a while since I did one of these lists. I was curious about how many Hivers we have in Brazil and it turns out to be quite a few. As usual I did some basic grouping by city/region. I am happy for others to take on the job of expanding and improving the list and so will make the data available.

There is a lack of big account there, so I hope people are looking to build up their HP. I appreciate that many need the money. A lot of people have been here for at least a year. We always need new recruits.

I found three witnesses who will appreciate more support.

The Numbers

São Paolo (6/4/4)

Posting: @carolramos, @jaopalas, @nascimentoab, @papoprodutivo, @renatacristiane, @wagnertamanaha

Voting: @dudutaulois, @estourefugiado, @vitoragnelli, @xgoivo

Inactive: @boba1961, @leo.marques, @naoebemumcanal, @wilkersk8zn

Rio de Janeiro (3/8/14)

Posting: @dstampede, @lipe100dedos, @zallin

Voting: @ale-rio, @aphiel, @fabiocola, @fmajuniorphoto, @joaophelip, @luizeba, @matheusggr, @skaters

Inactive:, @diegoguerra, @fabiosoares, @floressenciarte, @jsaez, @liquideity, @litekoiner, @meinickenutri, @nichollasrdo, @officialjag, @oficialversatil, @pythomaster, @sktbr, @splinter100dedos

Porto Alegre (2/0/3)

Posting: @mauriciolimax, @wallabra-wallet

Inactive: @bergmannadv, @jeffparajiujitsu, @wallabra

Brazil (55/58/78)

Posting: @aiuna, @alexandrefeliz, @alina97, @blessskateshop, @borajogar (Brasília), @borbolet (RJ), @casagrande (Canela RS), @cleateles1, @coiotes, @coyotelation, @crazyphantombr (Paraná), @crisciacm (Niteroi RJ), @diogenesrm (MG GV), @dreloop07, @ehvinho, @elderdark, @f0rtunate, @fernandosoder (Santa Cruz do Sul RS), @game3x3, @gtpacheko17 (Santa Catarina), @hive-br, @hive-br.voter, @ismaelrd04 (RS), @j377e, @jarmeson, @josiva (Montanhas RN), @jsantana (Recife Pernambuco), @kaibagt, @kaveira, @kingforceblack, @lesulzbacher (Santa Cruz do Sul RS), @lincemarrom, @lobaobh (Belo Horizonte MG), @markitoelias (Criciúma SC), @michupa, @pablito.saldo (Lago Sul DF), @pataty69 (Ceará), @perfilbrasil, @raistling, @rhommar (Santa Catarina), @robspiercer (sp), @selhomarlopes, @shiftrox (Goiânia), @silviamaria, @sistemabusiness (Santa Cruz do Sul RS), @surfgurupro, @thaliaperez, @thomashnblum (Paraná), @totomusic, @underlock, @vempromundo, @vonlecram (Florianópolis), @wasye, @wiseagent, @xlety (Juiz de Fora MG @xlety.leo)

Voting: @aiyumi, @alinequeiroz, @alucardy, @avedorada (Boa Vista), @avel692, @ayummi, @badge-182654, @barizon, @bastter, @brancarosamel, @brazilians, @caaio (Florianópolis), @canellov, @carlosro, @christiantatsch, @claytonlins, @deividluchi (Australia), @disruptivas, @dunatos, @emviagem, @ericpso, @eujotave, @fireguardian, @frankrey11, @greengineer, @hive-br.leo, @imagemvirtual, @jkatrina, @jklio123 (Minas Gerais), @joaoprobst, @jontv, @jucabala, @jullyette, @kat.eli, @kojiri, @laurasoares, @legalizabrazil (Belo Horizonte MG), @maismau, @marianaemilia, @matheusggr.leo, @mrprofessor, @nane-qts, @nascimentocb, @nayha23, @norseland (Santa Catarina), @pedrocanella, @phgnomo (Salvador BA), @qyses, @santinhos, @sintropia (Iguaçu), @tatylayla, @unhurried, @vcorioh, @wellingt556, @wlfreitas, @xtryhard, @yungbresciani (Pontal do Sul), @zombialien

Inactive: @abandeira, @alyxmijaresda, @anacvv05 (São Domingos Santa Catarina), @anafenalli (Santa Catarina), @anazn, @bernardonassar, @capuah-iruet, @coyote.sports, @cril692003 (Foz de Iguazú), @cryptoshaman007, @david0808, @dolandoteiro (hue), @donamona (Florianópolis SC), @edvamfilho, @eijibr, @elcoachjesus (Manaus), @emanueledornelas (RJ), @endrius, @escadas (Duque de Caxias RJ), @felipefortes (Taubaté SP), @feliperochatv (Recife PE), @fireguardian.spt, @fredsilva007, @g4tzbr, @gabrielmilego, @handrehermann, @hevelyn.jeeh (Alfredo Wagner SC), @hivebr.spt, @hranhuk, @iuriomagico, @jacalf, @jaquevital,, @juliasantos, @kelday666 (Florianópolis), @kevbest, @laribf, @luanaecard, @ludgero, @luidimarg, @luizhadad, @marzukiali, @matheusluciano, @mathfb, @megamariano, @micloop, @milery, @mrprofessordaily, @nathylieth (Venezuela Argentina), @orozcorobetson, @paradaleticia (Praia Grande), @pedagogia, @phsaeta, @pirulito.zoado, @rdabrasil, @reas63, @rimasx, @rodrigojmelo, @rounan.soares, @rphspinheiro (Nova Iguaçu RJ), @sandranunes, @santana37 (SE), @seabet, @sousafrc (Florianópolis SC), @surflimpo, @tankulo, @tatianest, @teteuzinho, @teu, @triptamine555, @tucacheias, @ukyron3, @unten1995, @usergabs, @vanessabarrostec, @ventrinidad (Curitiba Estado de Paraná), @vicvondoom, @vini0

Expats (0/0/0)


Total active Brazilians: 66, Expats: 0


This shows the numbers in each category of the active and voting accounts. Level is based on 'VESTS' with Minnow equating to a million VESTS.


Minnow28592.01 HP
Dolphin75920.13 HP
Orca059201.29 HP
Whale0592012.93 HP

This shows when people joined Hive. The last few months are shown separately to make any changes obvious.


1 month4
2 months1
3 months0

Brazilian Witnesses

Please support your local witnesses:
@fernandosoder, @fernandosoder, @perfilbrasil

The man behind:

@tenkminnows: Helping good Hivers level up @proofofbrian: A bot that checks for tag typos #BritList: A monthly list of Hivers in the UK

This list could come in handy when I was shouting out for someone to join me for a drink in various places in Brazil :)

If only I'd known you were going...


Well be very welcomed 🤗

Need to try caipirinhas!

I did have some.


Very good list, I'll help with some corrections.

  • Wiseagent is from the state of Alagoas and not Florianópolis (which is in the state of Santa Catarina);
  • There are two mentions of the state of Paraná - in the Brazil/Posting section - you could put them together;
  • @casagrande is mentioned in Canela/RS and @brazilians in Florianópolis, but they are both the same people, I marked him so he can tell me which one to keep
  • vempromundo is in Santa Catarina, but I'm from Paraná

I could notice these inconsistencies at a glance, but if I notice any more significant ones (other than inactive users) I'll let you know again.

Thanks. You may have mis-read the list as I include locations (where known) after the name in (), so following ones are not in the same area.

The list really needs more work that someone in the Brazilian community could do better. I will share it on Github (link above).

Thanks for support man 🇧🇷

I am an expat, from Rio de Janeiro and currently living in the US. I’m also a witness.

Cool. I'll update my file and share it.

I'm from Sao Paulo Brazil! 🇧🇷

O que significa? Expatriado?

uma pessoa que vive fora do seu país de origem

Congratulations and many thanks for the list and mention! Keep safe, good luck and thanks again!!

Hola que tal! Gracias por etiquetarme. yo soy venezolana, pero actualmente estoy en Brasil, me parece interesante que haya varios usuarios en Brasil. No sabia que se podian crear estas listas, tiene algun ebjetivo en especifico?

I just look for places on the profile location. I would like to see the Brazilian community manager this list.

Hola! Me encanta tu iniciativa. Viví en Brasil durante un año y dos meses, justo ahora estoy en mi país de origen (Venezuela)

Looks like Hive is still battling with few members. How can we enlarge the ecosystem

That's a lot of people who stopped being active. We need to keep them engaged as well as bringing in more.

Awesome, obrigado amigo!

vai brasillllll

i wanna bring more friends to this place !

Tell your friends about Hive and see if they will join.

Very good stats! more one month i'm go to dolphin


I don't see myself in the Türkiye list 🙄

You haven't set your location on your profile. It will be impossible for the script to find you

As the lady said, I can only go by what information is on your profile. I do not collect all these people manually. I make these lists of other countries for people to use as they want.


@steevc, I paid out 8.139 HIVE and 0.000 HBD to reward 13 comments in this discussion thread.
