The Exhibition With An Exciting Name

in Museum Community2 months ago

I'm glad I can start the year with a new place to write. No, I haven't found anything better than Hive, it's just a new community in Hive, a place I've been looking for a long time without realizing it.

I like exhibitions and to visit museums, especially art museums. Museum Community is where people looking for a museum can come together and share joy with others—the joy they have had in recent or older museum visits.

A well-known and respected colleague of ours likes to search and discover new communities to write in, and I, being a lazy person, sometimes like to follow her example. Thank you, @mipiano!

For several years, I think about five, a new museum concept has appeared in Bucharest, where I spend my days...Art Safari.

Although I like to consider myself liberal in my thinking and attracted to all that is new and innovative, I realize now that I am, nevertheless, a conservative.

I rejected this project in the first years, looking for and finding the negative parts. Too expensive, that it doesn't have a headquarters and is being relocated to the strangest places, like a big abandoned car service center in the middle of the city.

Finally, to cut a long story short, last year I started to visit this museum and I was instantly charmed by the way it looks, the way it works, and the new way in which it presents its exhibits. I am now a fan and can't wait for a new edition to start.

Because most of my posts in this community will be exhibits from this museum, I will give a more detailed presentation at the end of this blog.

I wonder now, what you would do if you saw a poster inviting you to an exhibition called...


An Exhibition Like No Other


I think you would have done what I did...
I went in and visited the exhibit.



For a long time, I have a habit when I go to museums. I try to photograph everything, which is impossible, but I manage to photograph pretty much in the order in which I view the exhibition rooms and exhibits. Unfortunately, this desire to photograph still makes me lose some image quality, because I'm on the run (I'm not alone when I go to the museum and have to keep close companions, always my wife and sometimes a few friends).

The desire to document everything decreases the quality and in the future, I plan to be more careful when I photograph, especially as the conditions are difficult because of the light, sometimes insufficient, sometimes too bright...

The walls of the holl are papered with posters dedicated to this theme and I think they are also relevant and worth showing.


Art Safari makes the exhibition space different from the classic museums, which are more austere and severe.


The first exhibit I came across is part of the concept of motherhood and represents a woman growing up in a tree. I don't understand what it represents motherhood, maybe by the young branches growing from the cut tree. Even if I didn't, I liked it.



Here you can see more clearly that it is about motherhood.


Based on the title and theme I thought I would see a selection of paintings that are entirely dedicated to breasts, but it was not so. It was an exhibition of nudes.


Anyway, even though it was a nude exhibition, there was also an exception that I think tried to respect the theme. There were no male nudes, haha...



I recognized Eve and the apple. She looks a bit scared, I think she senses what will happen after she tastes the forbidden fruit.


After some time in the exhibition, I understood what was happening. The painters are all Romanians, old and new. Old, that means taken into another life... Painters known to me (few) and unknown painters (most).

Classic and established painters: Camil Ressu, Nicolae Tonitza, Iser, and Theodor Palady.

Nicolae Tonitza, one of my favorites, modeled himself on his daughters, from childhood to adulthood.


Theodor Pallady was good friends with Henri Matisse and often painted together.


Iser, a painter of the South and the Orient.


Camil Ressu


Apart from these classics, in an intermediate period, in the middle of the twentieth century, a painter in love with young, adolescent girls.

Sabin Balasa





We've reached a bridge, a gateway to modernism. An exhibit that respects the theme, at last... only breasts!




Then we came to modernism and other ways of making art. I'm so sorry I can't understand why, I feel old and uncultured...

But I understand that in any field people evolve, explore, get bored of the beaten path and do things that may not be understood by others, but I want to believe that they are understood and can be explained by the authors.




And yet, I think that in this part of the exhibition I found the emblem, the emblematic work that fits perfectly with the title: BREASTS!


I've also seen sculptures where, if you look hard enough, you can find some breasts.


Younger painters no longer use the same techniques and the same materials, I mean the support for painting and the colors used, especially oil-based colors, as they have been used for hundreds of years painting.

New materials, new images, more like photography and posters.

New generation painters and I'm glad to know two of them from a previous exhibition at Art Safari.

Ondine and Baraka!





I've reached the end... When I want to write a blog the first thing I do is select the photos that I will use as support. Sometimes I don't use them all and I regret that. So I won't regret it anymore, I'm now putting, at the end, these photos that didn't find their place above, in the story...









I promised that I will give more details about Art Safari, this exhibition concept that has set the atmosphere in the art area in Bucharest.


I don't think I will do that this time. I thought that it would be easier to make a special post about ART SAFARI, so I'll tell more and with more details.


Here I will part, with regret, from the beautiful ladies with their beautiful breasts!

BeFunky-design (2).jpg


Like you, I consider myself as a free thinking person and I love everything new or different from usual liberal and I think this "unusual" exhibition is fantastic and I'd like to have something similar here too (even if we can see similar artworks mixed with different ones in some contemporary art museam too, but not a lot of them all together) . :D

Thank you, Silvia. I was sure you will appreciate this exhibition.

Many museums contain many pieces and yes impossible to take photos of everything. Some a small sample size is what we leave with. Especially if company is with, completely understand that. There's one museum I have done at least a half dozen articles on and could probably be more.

Oh the breast exhibit. I've seen breast in art but never this much. It's good it had a mature theme and not something foul. I'm with you and not disappointed thier was no male art, hehe. Thanks for sharing here and hope to see more 😃

As you wrote many articles about the same museum, so will I. I will post here a lot, just to have time to write at least once a week anyway.
Thanks for taking this initiative and I would love to have many interested to participate.With pleasure, @coolmidwestguy71! As I said to the friend who told me about this community, I would have loved to do the community myself but I don't have any time to moderate.

I hear you, recently I have had no time to write. Often my writing consistency is all over the place, hehe. The initiative came a thought everytime I posted museum content (where should I post it). I absolutely have a blast going to them. Thanks again and look foward to seeing the rest

You're right. I didn't know where to post about museums, I couldn't have the best choice. Now it's much simpler, thank you!

Good evening @bluemoon ;)

(Or maybe good morning if you read the comments tomorrow morning :D )

I am happy to see your contribution to the community with your post, and what an interesting one already for the first one! I especially liked the one with the woman in the tree and two women entangled in long braids of hair.

Looking forward to seeing more from Art Safari, I went to check their website, now if I happened to visit one day Bucharest I know where the museum is :D

If you come to Bucharest and can't find the museum, you know you can have a guide.Good evening, @mipiano! The next evening, I have a delay I can't get rid of.

With this post, I found a new community here. Thanks for sharing this.

With pleasure. I found the community in the same way.

I live in Italy. In Treviso in the north there is a fountain with tits. It was built to end a drought in the 16th century. Red wine poured from one breast, and white wine from the other. This went on for quite a long time... After the fall of the Venetian Republic, the fountain was shot by Napoleon's soldiers...

Unfortunately, so many works of art were destroyed by the barbarians.
I love the statue and the "milk" that flowed from the two breasts.

What a wonderful exhibition on nudity, the truth is that there is an impressive variety of materials, expressions and ways of developing this theme. And in the case of the more modern artists you add different and novel versions to this world. Excellent photographs!

Thank you!

I didn't know this community, a place for museum posts surely, thanks!

With pleasure!