I didn't want to associate what I saw in that museum exclusively with Prague 🙂
Such torture procedures were present in all European countries (perhaps in the whole world) in the Middle Ages. Centuries ago, man found various ways to inflict evil, torment and pain on another man. Judging by today's events in certain parts of the world, it seems that we have remained the same, we have only improved a little in the tools with which we kill and torture each other.
There is also a similar museum near me in Belgrade, in the Kalmendan fortress, in the former dungeons, with tools for torturing prisoners. When I get around to it, I'll share, let's compare 🙂
And I promise, the next time I come to Prague, I will make sure to contact you to recommend some interesting locations that are popular among Prague residents.
Great, let me know when it's up to date. Just to point out that my English is very poor.
Violence was many times more common in the Middle Ages than it is today, although it doesn't seem like it because all violence is now publicized.
I can think of two other places in Prague where you can encounter instruments of torture. But of course there are many other things to see.
We'll get along, don't worry,especially if we meet in a pub 🙂
I saw the installation in the Daliborka tower in Zlatá ulička na Hradčany. It's enough for me 🙂
O.K. 😀