Expressionist Eden

in Museum Community2 months ago

Museum Community, I knew I would be a guest who would visit it from time to time. Either as an observer of an exhibition or as an exhibitor. In our case as Hive users, we are in a way also exhibitors when we post, and our museum is the corresponding community.When I first saw the new community created by @coolmidwestguy, the

I have a bit of material for this community. Many visits to museums from different places are saved in the memory of my phone, and I will slowly try to bring them here. Some were made back in 2023 and 2024, for example in Krakow (Poland) or Zaragoza (Spain). I don't know why I haven't shared them with you until now... probably because I was too lazy to research the exhibitions in question, because I procrastinated, because I waited for the right moment and place. If these visits to exhibitions ever reach Hive, it will be like a return to the past and a reminiscence because... time has already passed.

But today, for my first participation in this newly formed community, I have decided to present to you an exhibition that is still active and can be visited in person until January 26th. The venue is located in the Botanical Garden of the city of Malaga.


This is one part of the Casa del Administrador (Administrator's House) which is converted into an exhibition hall. We were walking in the Botanical Garden and followed the signs and the map. The building labeled number 19 on the map was this house and my husband and I entered. There was also another, different exhibition on the other side of the house, but I didn't take photos of that. My husband says that I always steal everything from him 😂 so that's why I skipped taking photos of that cool exhibition. I hope he brings it here to this community one day. 😉


This poster framed in glass was hanging on the wall (that is the reason why we see the reflection of the other side of the building), giving us the first info about the exhibition. Name of the artist: Siobhan Riordan; name of the exhibition: Edén Expresionista; organizer: Association of Friends of the Botanical Garden, and curated by Agustín Linares Pedrero. Dates: It can be seen between December 20 and January 26, 2025.


Let's enter now a universe where nature becomes art, compositions dressed in vibrant and melancholic colours and marked by the energy of this artist's stroke.


The first wall was illuminated very well and the paintings got the spotlight in a way you can't miss them. One can easily fall in love with them, with simple flowers in a vase. Well, not just simple flowers as they were named Expressive Flowers.


The flowers here burst with freshness and we could almost smell their scent. However I immediately spotted the tiny detail on the vase, the black lines and loved them even more than the flowers.

The exhibition hall was not too big. It had just two rooms and if you notice the main protagonists were plants and flowers. Just the perfect place for such an exhibition - in the middle of a botanical garden. In Eden.


Is there beauty in decay, in fragility?

Of course there is... It may be an almost poetic connection with our human side, with our lives that, like gardens, grow and flourish, and then decay and die. But this happens in cycles, both personally and generally.



As I mentioned, it was a small place but wherever you looked you would see nature. A feeling of being in a jungle was also present. Fresh green leaves, or in neon nuances, it doesn't matter. The huge leaves of the plants can shelter you from the noise and the crowd.



The painting on the right (below) reminds me where we are... in Malaga, in the garden from where you can observe the city. The Viewpoint is hidden among the tall cypresses; it makes it an excellent spot to enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city, but protected by the purity of plant life.


Is it something similar that this artist Siobhan Riordan wanted to achieve with her paintings? I don't know, it is just my own perception but you can feel it in a different way maybe. In any way, I hope you liked this little tour through the exhibition hall of the Botanical Garden, or if you are close to that place, you can still visit it in person until the 26 of January.



This is a wonderful museum, I would love to visit it. I love all kinds of art.

Congratulations to @coolmidwestguy for the museum community idea. I don't know how I didn't think of this before, I've been to so many museums and never thought of it haha.

I think Coolmidwestguy would be happy if we start to share our museum visits here 😊

May you visit many museums in 2025 yesr, @incublus 😉

Muy buen artículo @mipiano y muchísimas gracias por la información acerca de la comunidad de los museos, una de mis debilidades. Los visito allá donde voy.

Gracias Xavi, espero ver alguna visita tuya a los museos aquí 😉. Un abrazo 😇

De nada Gabriela @mipiano. Si, a si saco un poco de tiempo.

Por cierto, te puse un mensaje en discord.

Un abrazo para ti también,

Gracias, el mensaje visto y respondido 😉

Some great art 🎨 and I like the theme in Eden. I love temporary exhibits because it allows you to see something different at the same museum.

So often I get those reflections often taking photos of things in glass, just part of many museum experiences, bound to happen.

Thanks for posting here and look foward to your other visits when you get time 😃

Glasses and reflections in them - indeed part of the experience ;)

I also hope to get myself to organize the photos I have and go back in time and bring them to the present :)

Thank you 😇

I loved the colors in those paintings the use of the complementary colors for make the pieces more expressionist and vibrant , I'm sure you have a lot museum and exihibitions for share in all your trips, I'm looking forward to see them 😁 thanks señorita mi piano de los viajes 😂

I know you are an expert in art and painting, if you liked them then they are indeed cool. :))
Veremos si llega la inspiración y el momento de publicar sobre visitas a museos ocurridas hace mucho tiempo... ¿Quizás veamos algan visita tuya en esta comunidad? ;)

Estoy tratando de sacar también tiempo e inspiración para publicar nuevas cosas , ando trabando de editor de un estudio y me tienen sin tiempo para nada 😅🥲 pero como está Cuba no puedo dejar de hacerlo, por ahora estoy anclado ahí, ya veremos espero pronto una sorpresa nueva 🛫

Sí, es difícil publicar cuando trabajamos muchas horas diarias, te entiendo! Yo tenía vacacionies de Navidad por eso he podido publicar más a menudo últimamente, pero pronto regreso a la rutina. Espero esa sorpresa nueva tuya te lleve a sitios donde tendrás mucho éxito! 😀 fingers crossed 🤞

Jajajjajaa gracias 🙏🤞

De nada, señor Pumeditor con dedos cruzados 😁


Thanks to you I know about this exhibition! I've had a few days without looking at anything, I don't have time, but how great!!! I don't know if I can really go but I'll try! I loved the exhibition, when I was a student I used to paint flowers a lot, I really like it! A community of museums... is it calling me? Malaga is the city with the most museums per capita! Thanks for this, I needed to see art.... it relaxes me!😍

You would love to post here, I know. The city you live in is perfect as for the museums, and art is your passion and profession - an awesome combination! 😇

You have given me with your post two beautiful news!!!! Yes!🤗

I am glad 😇

I really liked the exhibition!
In my opinion, the paintings are light, airy, they relax.

Was it an exhibition and sale?

Hi @ludmila.kyriakou 👋

It's been a while, I hope you are well. 😇
I didn't notice the price or info that the paintings were on sale, so I am not sure about that.

Yes, light and airy, you described them well! 👌

Hi dear @mipiano ! ❤️

Thank you for your kindness!
I'm trying, but I think I need to go to church.

P.S. The only thing I don't agree with is the artist's choice of a black frame for painting #3 from the bottom.
In my opinion, this frame kind of squeezes it and limits its space, the flight of the leaves.
Creates the impression of being imprisoned.
But that's my view and feeling.

The pieces are nice, they have a happy hue to them. I wish I could see I could go see them. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for stopping by, happy paintings and happy feelings ;)


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(10/10) @danzocal tipped @mipiano

Is beatifull this exposición!! I visita many exposición and is relevant this place.

wow! This is a great art, nice to see all pictures. Thank you for sharing.