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RE: The New Museum Community- Christmas Eve at the Museum

in Museum Community2 months ago

Congratulations on this new Community. It is a good idea to show our visits to museums. What struck me most about your visit to the Durham Museum is the photographic exhibition. I really like black and white photography and if it is old it has a special charm. The tradition of bringing the pine tree is interesting, but honestly I felt pain for the pine trees sacrificed year after year.

Greetings, Amigo. Take care of yourself and have a great time.


Thanks Amiga. I was really touched by the photo exhibit. Even though it was over 100 years ago some feeling and experiences are very similar.

Yes the trees are cut down. I'm not sure what the life expentency of that tree is. I guess the only plus would be growing one in it's place. Hey the 5 foot or 6 foot trees suffer the most that are used by home owners. They have a really short life 😔

Take care and enjoy the rest of the year. Hope next year is better for us both 🤪

Thank you! I'm sure it will be!