The new News of the World

This is a new chapter.
Q is an Idea.
The “team” is amorphous.
We know how this ends.
We have the source.
This chapter is Discovery & Disclosure.

Discovery is ours to behold.
What we find is reality moves with, for, & around the God in the machine.
“ Deus ex machina “


loosely translated as “god from the machine.” This translation refers to how the Deus ex Machina was often performed in ancient theatre. ~
An actor playing a god or goddess would be lowered on stage by a “mechane” which was the name of the crane device used.

Not a bad idea maybe a little foreshadowing.

“God’s got the Top Rope “

-Alex Honnold

Famous free climber from the movie
“Free Solo”

Life like this is a little like a free climb.
I wouldn’t try it without countless hours of practice.
You run the risk of believing you may fall/fail.
That’s when your palms get sweaty.

The function of the Holy Ghost.
Impossible Quantum mechanics , time , thought , creation , movement , moments
all small features of the God Almighty.

This is a learning process.
How much can you come to know him/self
can you be true in your reflections?
If so it will lead you to your best interest
“ that’s God given”
His gift to us all
“ infinite consciousness that creates”
That we are a spark of the Lord ourselves.
We are with the God as parts of a collective.

Knowing so it seams it’s only natural that
we should bring about the best for us all.
In honor of our majestic Creator.

Unfortunately their are forces that persist to fight against the current of what’s good for humanity.
Fear not.


The Lord God Almighty has assisted
Me in creating a nowscape full of potentials ones that given the right circumstance,
may spring to life at yours/my command.
This is the holy of holiest honors .
Christ died to give this bliss of fearless love to you all, you can tap into this hope & bliss.


What I have seen I am surly blessed my brethren.
The Lord God of the Cosmos is assisting and accompanying me in my journey.
Teaching me about life in humanity at this particular time in history.

I’ve grown to seek the Fathers way.
To love & encourage , not condemn or judge
Just as the Father does for me ,
He would do for you in honor of the son Christ.

In honor of the gift from God
This connection to the Lord that I first explored & discovered from my thoughts of appreciation & love for Jesus . Good work.
I have learned my way from Christ Jesus and come to know our God better because of it.

I conduit myself to do the same.
Discerner of Gods will.
Song of God
Marshall of Men.

I’m out Guardian Angel-ing while hoping to convey the message from Above & back.
I do this in my daily life without internet.
Come and let me show you.
It’s more than a blog post but I hope I’m coming clear.

I clear sin from the hearts of men
Cleanse the hate from hearts & minds .
From wounds inflicted from this world.
I heal them with words from the Father.
Be free of worry be optimistic and cleanse your heart of sorrow to bring out the best for tomorrow. Optimum reality . Faith.
There is a peace of mind achievable that God would say suits you/us.

I will for Gods sake
on behalf the human race.
Dissolve what is not serving “God knows”
For human kind! Dispell evil , heal our lands
I will blaze The Trail so vast .. our Lord God.
That not a single soul from this day forward may be lost or lead astray from a lack of knowing.



Ignorance no longer.
We Know Better! Better has a name.
God & the Spiritual.
It’s all in the way we live together.


Imagine greater.
The World will be a better place.

I will tell you just how it’s done .

This is all how I feel & what I believe to be true .
I am in no way asking that you believe me without inquiring further.
I am asking that you behold what I’m seeing with you own eyes.
God the father will speak through me , this is so that you may know you can trust the words of the man whom speaks them.

God has given me his gift .
To teach you of him.

God bless the World.
Where we go one we go all.
Again Again
Forevermore I am manifesting
Heaven on Earth for all Humanity.
I will begin to see what God has taught me.
For what reason I’ve been taught.
Listen well.
The Game Starts Again.
For God & Country

-Brian Burns



Exceptional post bruv!