(ENG-PL) Melody of Peace and Love / Melodia Pokoju i Miłości

in Polish HIVE3 years ago (edited)

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May melody of peace, may melody of love will unite your hearts and minds in the perfect dance of true harmony.
May every your thought and every your feeling will be filled with true positive energy of existence.
In every your day, in every your night try to feel beauty of joy and move forward on your path.
Say "Good-Bye" to the Old Year and meet the New Year with a smile.
Original poetry and music created by Igor Marynowski. In the video the photo of 1938 year restored by me was used.

Niech melodia pokoju, niech melodia miłości zjednoczy wasze serca i umysły w doskonałym tańcu prawdziwej harmonii.
Niech każda wasza myśl i każde wasze uczucie będzie wypełnione prawdziwą pozytywną energią istnienia.
W każdym swoim dniu, w każdej nocy staraj Ci się odczuwać piękno radości i iść naprzód na swojej drodze.
Powiedz Cie "Żegnaj" Staremu Rokowi i poznaj Cie Nowy Rok z uśmiechem.
Oryginalna poezja i muzyka stworzona przez Igora Marynowskiego

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Do you mind supporting the Hive Authentication Services proposal? That would be much appreciated!
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, or using HiveSigner.

I wish you all the best for 2022! Have a Happy New Year!Dear @artsofmarynowski,

Hive.blog / https://wallet.hive.blog/proposals

May the New Year bring you a lot of happiness and joy.@arcange , Thank you for your good wishes. I voted for your proposal. I think development of Hive Authentication Services can bring a lot of benefits for all hive users.

Thank you for your support @artsofmarynowski, really appreciate it! 👍