Będąc w centrum handlowym zupełnie przypadkiem natknąłem się na dość ciekawe miejsce które u wielu może wywołać wiele wspomnień.
While in a shopping mall, I came across quite an interesting place by accident that can evoke many memories for many people.
Taka trochę podróż w czasie i możemy zobaczyć jak żyli i mieszkali nasi rodzice i dziadkowie.
It's a bit of a time travel and we can see how our parents and grandparents lived and lived.
Zabawki jakimi się bawili.
The toys they played with.
Finanse i i bankowość
Finance and banking
Oraz jak spędzali czas wolny i jakich narzędzi używali do pracy.
And how they spent their free time and what tools they used to work.
I tak właśnie moja podróż w przeszłość dobiegła końca.
And that's how my journey into the past has come to an end.
Mirrorless Camera | Sony A6400 |
Lens | 16-50mm / f3,5-5.6 |
Software | Affinity Photo |
Lights | No |
Location | Edinburgh /Scotland |
Nice! We have something similar over here too. Lots of painful memories and stories from history!
depends on how to look at it? I see other times and I remember my childhood very fondly. When you spent more time with people / parents. today no one has time for anyone in total, and the childhood is spent in front of the computer.😞
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