So for those of you that don't know, i take photos of the sky every night.
well i try to anyway.
I want a record of the day in sunsets. A reminder of the pretty things in the world and the sky is just so beautiful. When my garden is all planted perhaps i will find more there too.
this day was actually the 26th May - We went to the horse farm to get some poo for the garden and it was amazing shit - no puns. lol it was so heavy that i was driving REAL careful home because i didn't want any bumps or sudden stops with that load of shit in the back. lol
well rotted down and full of worms. it was well worth the $3 per HUGE bag. I could barely carry it. If i had spent that money on worms at our big box store i would not have got so many... AND the poop. so i was well pleased.
It was a devil to load it all into the garden, but i managed... It was certainly a work out
When we got home this was the sky.
I have posted a couple of photos from the farm too...
Anyway thanks so much for stopping along and reading my posts I am just loving my HIVE experience so far. Such a fun platform for sure.
For those that don't know my i'm currently focusing on Daily painting and somewhat amusing my self and my family with Acrylic pouring.. lol.. i wish i had a separate studio for that as it is so messy.
My other HIVE interests are:
- cooking
sunset photography (i take photos of the sky every night)
Graphic Design
Gardening (just a smidgion)
Sewing - I make Tutus and ballet costumes too...
Here are a couple of snaps of some of the stuff i do outside what you see up in the posts above.
Sounds like your plants are going to be very happy XD
ew you've got worms
can you post nice comments lol... but yes i have 1000's of worms and very happy to have free hitchhikers that will do LOADS of my work moving soil :-)