My Sunset photography contest in the umpteenth round of the Sunset community team

in Sunset Photography β€’ 3 years ago

πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ˜ I return to this very beautiful post to participate in enlivening the contest which was held by the officials of the Sunset community. πŸ˜πŸ’“πŸ˜πŸ’“πŸ˜πŸ’“.

For members who keep showing posts competing for sunset photography here, join this contest

This is a scene that I deliberately took to be able to take part in this great contest

I take part in this great competition.... Best Regards to ; @duwiky - @coininstant - @pob.curator - @sunset-curator and specifically to all stakeholder teams in this competition.


Follow Me @srywahyuny







Dengan penuh semangat! Saya mengukir dengan kerajinan saya sendiri dalam mengikuti kontes besar ini yang di selenggarakan oleh tim komunitas Sunset Photography ini, saya sangat lama sudah tertarik untuk bisa ikut ambil bagian disini.

With passion! I carved with my own craft in participating in this big contest organized by the Sunset Photography community team, I have been interested for a long time to be able to take part here.

Itulah uraian saya sedikit menyangkut partisipasinya saya dalam kesempatan yang sangat indah ini.

That's my little description regarding my participation in this very beautiful opportunity.

Dalam suasana unsur-unsur kesengajaan saya dalam mengumpulkan beberapa hari gambar Sunset saya ini agar terlahir sebagai postingan terbaik di saat proses seleksi oleh pihak penyelenggaraan kontes ini.

In the atmosphere of the elements of my intention in collecting a few days of my Sunset pictures so that they are born as the best posts during the selection process by the organizing party of this contest.

Sebanyak empat gambar tambahan dari saya adalah tempat pengambilan gambar di salah satu pinggiran sawah, sekitar 2 kilometer dari rumah saya.

As many as four additional pictures from me are shooting locations on one of the outskirts of the rice fields, about 2 kilometers from my house.

Keempat gambar diatas adalah dua hari terpisah yang saya kumpulkan, dan terlahir serta terlihat dengan sangat indah pemandangan nya setelah saya melakukan editan sedikit.

The four pictures above are two separate days that I collected, and they were born and looked very beautiful after I made a few edits.

Satu gambar paling bawah terlihat sangat indah dari empat gambar dalam satu kelompok terakhir dari saya tersebut.*

The bottom one is the most beautiful of the four images in my last group.

Best From yuny