HiveBloPoMo Day 19: Seeking Inspiration From the Full Moon!

in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago

We have made it to day NINETEEN of HiveBloPoMo, and I continue to plug forward, even in an "incomplete" state.

You can read more about HiveBloPoMo here, if you feel so inclined.

Today's writing prompt is "Use today's Full Moon for inspiration." Well, maybe so... in an indirect sort of way!

Once Upon a Moon!


The photo above is one of my more successful attempts of taking a picture of a Lunar Eclipse... happened during our vacation to Denmark in June 2011.

Perhaps it was easier to to get a good capture on account of northern summer nights... this was taken quite late, but it was still "semi-dusk" outside.

The Moon has long been a "friend" to me; I remember when I was in college in Texas, I would run on the local golf course by moonlight because it meant I could run on grass and it was at night when it wasn't quite so bloody hot.

I lived across the street from that municipal golf course for over five years; I even lived on it for a brief spell while I was homeless; at the end of the day, the garbage bins were always full of empty beer and soda cans which I collected and recycled for a meager income that allowed me to at least not go hungry.

The Moon and a Friend...


Perhaps my 2nd best attempt at shooting a Lunar Eclipse... in this case, we also have Venus showing up for the occasion.

I have pretty much always been a skygazer. Since my teenage years — maybe even a little before — I always had a sense that there had to be far more interesting things somewhere out in the Universe than in my back yard, and my strangely sheltered little life.

I was often told that I was "missing out" because I spent more time dreaming and existing in my vast inner worlds than I ever did being present in the life around me.

I never quite succeeded in explaining to people how the world felt... painful.

Moon People... A Strange Moment


I can only manage so much with an average digital camera...

My mother was always very much a "Practicalist." If something (or an action) didn't serve some practical purpose, she had very little use for it.

But she was an odd and unpredictable woman... I suppose in part due to her alcoholic ways, but who truly knows? I remember one time when I was maybe 15, we were standing outside on our terrace at night... I was looking at the sky, and it was (interestingly enough) a full moon.

Out of nowhere, my mother suddenly says "We don't belong here, you know. We come from out there — she pointed at the stars — and this planet is not very good for us."

We stood in silence for a bit, then went back inside.

For the remaining 30 years of her life, my mother always denied that she had every said anything of the sort because it sounded like "nonsense" to her.

I know what I heard, though. I even wrote it in my journal.

This is ALSO A Full Moon!


This was taken during a total Lunar Eclipse in January 2019. It's not particularly "dramatic," but it's a favorite because it shows something we look at all the time, still "being itself," but in a way that seems... surprising and unexpected.

I look at that picture and it reminds me that sometimes things are not as they seem... even though they are exactly as they seem.

Maybe that doesn't entirely make sense, but one of my interests in life has look been to look at the side and aspects of everyday things we don't normally get to see... and maybe don't even realize exist.

With which I shall end this session of "Moon Rantings!"

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend!

How about YOU? Do you ever find inspiration from looking at the moon? Does it sometimes make you wonder that something SO far away can cause entire oceans to shift? Are you a skygazer? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!


(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT cross posted anywhere else!)
Created at 20211119 22:24 PDT



I just envy your clear skies.

I love a lunar eclipse. Missed the one the other night because of clouds. I must say the not particularly dramatic pic is awesome!

What stunning captures! Wow. At a full moon ceremony yesterday I felt enveloped with the sensation one can feel moonlight.

Such a perfect shot, it's so clear it looks like a slightly horrifying full moon. :)

Keep on gazing man! If it inspires you, it really doesn't matter what other people think!

Regarding the lunar eclipse, I seriously struggled to get a good shot so I'm already looking forward to May 16th 2022 🤓