HiveBloPoMo Day 29: "Optimistic" — A Freewrite, of Sorts

in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago

Today is day 29 of HiveBloPoMo, almost to the end!

You can read more about HiveBloPoMo here, if you feel so inclined.

Today's writing prompt is "Find a Freewriter's prompt and do a 5-minute freewrite." As I'm inclined to do, I shall look in one of my writing books... and I will do TEN minutes rather than FIVE because I am very slow on a keyboard, and I don't want to end up with a 47-word shitpost.

From one of my writing books...

A couple of optimistic reainbows over our house!

The Prompt Is: "Optimistic"

There was a time when I called myself an "optimistic misanthrope."

Maybe that sounds like a bit of a misnomer or a contradiction, but it was a reflection of the fact that I generally felt like there was going to be a positive outcome in life... but that positive outcome was best reached by involving as few people as possible in the process.

In retrospect, it has made me realize that any natural sense of optimism I might have tends to be contingent on my having control of a situation. If I'm required to just go with the flow of others, I tend to lose a large portion of my optimism.

Of course I'm perfectly well aware of the old truism that ”control is just an illusion.”


Much as we'd like to think otherwise, we pretty much don't have control over a damn thing in our lives. That, or the control we actually have is incredibly ”localized,” and limited to things like ”what color socks am I going to wear today?” or maybe ”it looks like it could rain maybe I should bring an umbrella.”

Having just said this, I find myself smiling wryly at the idea that I am involved in the Cryptosphere, of all things — which is wildly unpredictable — and yet I feel very optimistic about where it's going to take everyone involved. I suppose that's just the exception that proves the rule...

I have a strong feeling that optimism is largely in the eye of the beholder. What exactly is it that we are optimistic about? Is it what kind of day we're personally going to have today? Is it the outlook for the entire world? Or is it the outlook for the remainder of our lives?


And it can be a very conflicting thing. I remember the first time I got married, being there and ready to go on the day of, and really not feeling very optimistic at all about what I was about to do. And yet? All the people around me seemed insistent that I should feel like this is one of the most optimistic occasions of my entire life. But I just couldn't get there.

Was there something wrong with me for not feeling optimistic on a day where I "should" be feeling optimistic?

As a bit of a retrospective Devil's Advocate, perhaps it should have been a clear signal or premonition that I should have been somewhere else doing something else. Which is fancy speak for the marriage didn't last!


As I run out of time here I find myself being optimistic about the direction of Hive at the moment. That’s not rocket science, of course, but I tend to look at it from the perspective of…

AND we’re out of time. In keeping with the spirit of freewrites, I suppose people will just have to guess what aforesaid perspective is!

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great remainder of your week!

How about YOU? Are you generally an optimistic person? Or are you more pessimistic? Do you think it is SITUATIONAL, rather than a product of PERSONALITY? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!


(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT cross posted anywhere else!)
Created at 20211129 14:42 PDT



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