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RE: (EN-FR) Introverted is not shy - Introvertie n'est pas timide

in HiveBloPoMo3 years ago

I'm an introvert, too, but I am also shy. Three of my children are introverts, only one of those is shy. I get what you are saying, though. It takes a lot of energy for an introvert in some situations. I remember my son, after helping me with a convention and having one woman occupy most of his time by talking to him. He learned a lot from that woman, and enjoyed the conversation, but at the end of each day's sessions, both he and I were ready to call it day. We'd have a quite dinner with just the two of us (not much talking), and then go to our room and relax. He said it was just a lot of work to hold up his end of the conversation and he was tired.


Je suis bien d'accord, on peut être les deux. Justement se ne sont pas des synomynes.
Merci pour ton expérience !

I agree, we can be both. Precisely they are not synonyms.
Thanks for your experience!