Old New Castle city folks decorate their doors with wreath's, too. It's really pretty. I love wreath's with the fresh scent of pine in them. Mmm.
Old New Castle city folks decorate their doors with wreath's, too. It's really pretty. I love wreath's with the fresh scent of pine in them. Mmm.
These are on the inside of my house doors too. :) Click on pic. Office door and front door. I have over 20 wreaths inside on all the doors. No, it's not too muc7h
I swear!
Thanks, Victor. I guess I never thought about it because Everywhere I Go come I always put a wreath on my door at Christmas time. If you go into any of the nurseries oh, they always sell them or put them together from the pieces of your tree. You can open up any LL Bean catalog and they will ship you one too! So it surprises me that so many people are surprised that I put a wreath on my door. Maybe I am than I think?
Oh, I like wreaths a lot. When my daughter was younger we used to make wreathes on our own. Alas, she has moved, and the boys are indifferent, so I end up enjoying them vicariously through others. :)
Yes! We already made this years. It's a fun project, but I only have females left at home. So, I get it.