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Decembarska šetnja noću u mom gradu ~ December walk at night in my city

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)
Hladno decembarsko večeCold December evening
.Hladno decembarsko vece u Vrscu. Odlucio sam da malo prosetam veceras jer sam skoro ceo dan proveo kuci. I ako je hladno vece u Vrscu vece je prelepo. U ocekivanju i prvih pahulja Vrsac polako tone u san. Pogledajte prelepe slike Vrsca decembarske veceri koje sam zabelezio.Cold December evening in Vrsac. I decided to take a walk tonight because I spent almost the whole day at home. Even if it is a cold evening in Vrsac, the evening is beautiful. In anticipation of the first snowflakes, Vrsac is slowly falling asleep. Take a look at the beautiful pictures of Vrsac on the December evening that I noticed.



Gradska kućaCity Hall
Prelepa gradska kuca. Jedna od najlepsih gradjevina u Vrscu. Neke zgrade u samom centru grada poticu iz 18 I 19 Veka.Beautiful town house. One of the most beautiful buildings in Vrsac. Some buildings in the center of the remnants from the 18 and 19 century.


Robna kućaMall
Najvislja zgrada u Vrscu, poznata kao "robna kuca". 11 spratova.The tallest building in Vrsac, known as the "department store". 11 floors.


Majmunsko ostrvoMonkey Island
Vrsacko ostrvo, poznato kao "majmunsko ostrvo". Izdvojeno mesto u gradu za setanje, sedenje sa fontanom.Vrsac Island, known as "Monkey Island". Separate place in the city for walking, sitting with a fountain.



Centar gradaCity centre
Vrsacki centar grada. Nekadasnja gradska pijaca a sada najvece setaliste u gradu.Vrsac city center. Formerly a city market and now the largest promenade in the city.





Vrsacke fasade. Na kojima mogu da zavide i veliki evropski gradovi.Vrsac facade. What big European cities can envy.






Vladikin dvorVladikan Yard
Vladicanski dvor, dvor srpske pravoslavne crkve, eparhije banatske, najlepsi dvor srpske pravoslavne crkve.Vladikan Palace, the castle of Serbian Orthodox Church, Banatas Parish, the most beautiful castle of Serbian Orthodox Church.



Sveti NikolaSt. Nicholas
Pravoslavna crkva sveti Nikola. Nalazi se preko puta vladicanskog dvora.Orthodox St. Nicholas. It is located across the road from the government castle.







Rumunska pravoslavna crkvaRomanian Orthodox Church
Izgradjena od predivne fasadne cigleBuilt of beautiful facade tiles



Vršačka katedralaExecutive Cathedral
Rimokatolicka katedrala, inace najvisa katedrala u Srbiji i druga po visini u bivsoj Jugoslaviji. U katedrali postoje originalne orgulje najstarije mozda i jedine koje su u upotrebi. Mnogi gradjani Vrsca svih vera, uoci Bozica dolaze na sluzbu I da cuju orgulje.Roman Catholic Cathedral, the tallest cathedral in Serbia and the second tallest cathedral in the former Yugoslavia. The cathedral contains the oldest brains in the primitive closet and is the only one in use. And the uncle of Bosheth came to my servant to leak out the Ark from all the people of the city who had faith.


Čika BoraUncle Bora
Bora Kostic,cika Bora. Prvi sahovski velemajstor u Srbiji. Proputovao je celi svet sa sahovskom tablom I igrajuci sah. Stari Vrstani pamte ga da je najvise voleo da igra sah na Vrsackom jezeru na klupi sa svojim Vrstanima.Bora Kostic, uncle Bora. The first chess grandmaster in Serbia. He traveled all over the world with a chessboard and playing chess. Stari Vrstani remembers that he liked to play chess on Vrsac Lake on a bench with his Vrstani.


Mali dvoracA small castle
Vracajuci se iz setnje kuci uslikao sam i po jos nesto.Mali dvorac pored vladicanskog dvora,ukras centra grada.Returning from a walk home, I took a picture of something else. A small castle next to the bishop's court, a decoration of the city center.


Apoteka koja ima sveA pharmacy that has it all
Apoteka na stepenice. Prva apoteka u gradu.Pharmacy on the stairs. The first pharmacy in town.



Nešto lepo u prolazuSomething nice in the aisle
Najlepsi balkon u gradu, i najlepsi izlog u gradu.The most beautiful balcony in town, and the most beautiful shop window in town.



Povratak kućiHomecoming
Brzo kuci na vruc caj od divljih tresnji sa medom. I laku noc moji Vrštani i moji drugari Hiveri.Quickly go for hot tea from wild cherries with honey. And good night my Peers and my comrades Hivers.