shillitapp cross-posted this post in 3 years ago

NEW NFT COLLECTION: Meta Degen Society

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

The Meta Degen Society NFT Collection is Coming Soon!

Meta Degen Society is a collection of 9,999 NFTs made by @ShillitApp.


Short Story

Meta Degen Society is a NFT collection of 9,999 carefully-crafted meta minions who work behind the scenes in the Shillit ecosystem. Each minion has its own abilities and talents, they all unlock special features for the ever-thriving community of Shillians.




The gaming degens and defi degens of our society and the new web gave birth to these minions of the cryptoverse, each with its own characteristics and charm.

There are four families: Furry, Creatures, Monsters and Dudes.

Dudes are everywhere, they are the closest genetic match to the players, they got their power by the symbiosis with the Furry.
Later, expanding the Society, from the darkest places of the internet came the Monsters, little devils they are.

Full Story

The delicate balance of the universe required for the Furry to show up first and spread the love, with their special powers on the Shillit ecosystem, sharing the space and their power with the Dudes.

With evolution, from a mix of curiosity, an increasing hype from the Dudes and the power of the Furry, the Creatures popped up, odd and rare… along with more Dudes that kept growing in numbers.

Finally, the Devils and Elfs of the Monster family made the voyage from the darkest place to us, with DeFi genetics in their bloodstream, they are masters at developing proposals for profitability and productivity, with unexplainable magic powers from technical analysis in the days where no graph was plotted.

Somehow they brought even more Dudes with them. Dudes are everywhere and just as powerful as the other families, they overcast the other families with their numbers corresponding to the sum of the others.

All beloved minions create the Meta Degen Society, they empower our Shillian community, with special unlocking powers and abilities to allow the Shillian to reach their dreams and their Lambos.

Families: Furry, Creatures, Monsters and Dudes

The Golden Ticket

The Golden Ticket is an NFT that can be used to swap against an original Meta Degen Society NFT.

Meta Degen Society is collection of 9,999 NFTs made by @ShillitApp.

Join our community on this amazing journey!
