Although I don't remember the exact moment when he came into my life, I know that he came at a special moment in my inner learning, because nothing is casual in life.
Aunque no recuerde el momento exacto en que llegó a mi vida, sé que llegó en un momento especial de mi aprendizaje interno, porque nada es casual en la vida.
SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Era una época en la que aprendía de mí misma y necesitaba respuestas. En la vida he encontrado muchas personas que me han dicho, para que venimos a la vida, porque pasó esto o aquello, para que sufrir tanto… me han hecho muchas preguntas… creo las mismas que yo misma me hice hace muchos años, ya olvidé cuantos.
Creo que cada quien encuentra las respuestas en el momento indicado, cuando debe ser.
Cuando escuché a Facundo Cabral escuchando este mismo audiolibro, pensé, este hombre engloba todo lo que he aprendido, pero de una manera amena que cualquiera pudiera entender y aunque hable de dios en realidad habla en general. Habla a todos en este mundo.
It was a time when I was learning about myself and needed answers. In life I have met many people who have told me, why did we come to life, why did this or that happen, why did we suffer so much... they have asked me many questions... I think the same questions I asked myself many years ago, I have forgotten how many.
I believe that everyone finds the answers at the right time, when it should be.
When I listened to Facundo Cabral listening to this same audiobook, I thought, this man encompasses everything I have learned, but in a way that anyone could understand and although he talks about God, he really speaks in general. He speaks to everyone in this world.
SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Facundo dice: No estás deprimido, estás distraído. Y es verdad, la vida es tan grande, tan maravillosa que no hay tiempo para verlo todo, creo. Si se logra salir de la nube oscura de la tristeza veremos que la cantidad de cosas asombrosas son innumerables.
Habla de donde está realmente la felicidad, habla de la soledad, del auto nocimiento, del amor.
Hay muchas partes de este video que me fascinan, pero nombraré algunas. He escuchado tantas veces esto que casi me sé de memoria muchos fragmentos.
Una de mis favoritas es la parte que dice en el minuto 7:23: “El bien es mayoría, pero no se nota porque es silencioso” …” El bien se alimenta de sí mismo, el mal se destruye a sí mismo” … “Si escucharas al otro, al que llevas adentro, sabrías todo…”
Relaciono esto con centrarse en lo positivo porque, aunque parezca que no, es mayoría, solo que no se comenta. Y también lo relaciono con la ley de atracción, el bien atrae al bien y se multiplica y como el mal atrae mal se destruirá solo.
Si uno se pone a pensar en realidad es así. Facundo nos propone escucharnos a nosotros mismos, al que llevamos dentro, no a lo que vemos sino al espíritu que tiene miles de años. Nos propone auto conocernos, mirar hacia adentro para encontrar las respuestas de la vida que queremos y necesitamos.
Facundo says: You're not depressed, you're distracted. And it's true, life is so big, so wonderful that there is no time to see it all, I think. If you manage to get out of the dark cloud of sadness you will see that the amount of amazing things are innumerable.
It talks about where happiness really is, it talks about loneliness, it talks about self-knowledge, it talks about love.
There are many parts of this video that fascinate me, but I will name a few. I have listened to this so many times that I almost know many parts by heart.
One of my favourites is the part at minute 7:23: ‘Good is the majority, but it is not noticed because it is silent’ ...’. Good feeds on itself, evil destroys itself’ ... “If you listened to the other, to the one inside you, you would know everything...”.
I relate this to focusing on the positive because, although it may not seem like it, it is in the majority, it is just not commented on. And I also relate it to the law of attraction, good attracts good and multiplies and as evil attracts evil it will destroy itself.
If you think about it, it's really like that. Facundo proposes that we listen to ourselves, to what we carry within us, not to what we see but to the spirit that is thousands of years old. He proposes us to know ourselves, to look inside ourselves to find the answers to the life we want and need.
SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Habiendo estudiado antes mucha metafísica me di cuenta que Facundo es un metafísico y que pasa a palabras simples algo que parece muy complicado y así llegar fácilmente a mucha gente, más simple, más natural
Él hace mucha referencia a Jesús y la biblia, gran texto metafísico que ayuda a la vida, más allá de la religión que uno profese. Habla del amor, que es la fuerza más poderosa. Convertirse en el propio amor dice Facundo y es así como se logra acceder a las respuestas.
Habla de la diferencia entre la inocencia y el ego, cosa que me recuerda a que alguien ayer me dijo que nunca deje de sorprenderme de las cosas. Creo que aprendí a ver las cosas, las pequeñas cosas de la vida, y eso es maravilloso.
Al respecto Facundo dice: “El ego le pone nombre a las cosas, pero el inocente las ve, el ego las juzga, el inocente las vive, el ego divide, la inocencia armoniza diferencias, el ego depende de la mente, el inocente del corazón…”. Que belleza de palabras, cuánta razón tiene. Conocí a alguien así, se llamaba Alicia, mi primera alumna, creo que lo que más me enseño es eso mismo, ella me enseñó a mí la inocencia. La magia de las pequeñas cosas.
Having studied before a lot of metaphysics I realised that Facundo is a metaphysician and that he puts into simple words something that seems very complicated and thus easily reaches many people, more simply, more naturally.
He makes a lot of reference to Jesus and the bible, a great metaphysical text that helps life, beyond the religion one professes. He talks about love, which is the most powerful force. To become one's own love, says Facundo, and that is how one gets access to the answers.
He talks about the difference between innocence and ego, which reminds me of someone telling me yesterday to never stop being surprised by things. I think I learned to see things, the little things in life, and that's wonderful.
Facundo says: ‘The ego gives names to things, but the innocent sees them, the ego judges them, the innocent lives them, the ego divides, the innocence harmonises differences, the ego depends on the mind, the innocent on the heart...’. What beautiful words, how right he is. I knew someone like that, her name was Alicia, my first student, I think what she taught me the most is that, she taught me innocence. The magic of the little things.
SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Ninguna parte de lo que dice tiene desperdicio, y escucharlo varias veces hace descubrir nuevas enseñanzas y reflexionar acerca de ellas, como cuando habla de rodearse de gente inteligente, gente sabia para así mejorar más cada día y entender lo que buscamos y la vida misma.
“… El sabio no separa porque todo es parte del todo, solo está atento a las conexiones…” Que hermosa frase que expresa Facundo. Todos somos uno, todos somos parte de lo mismo, somos el reflejo del otro, venimos de la misma fuente. Por eso la dualidad es una mentira, se usa sólo para separarnos. La sabiduría, el amor, son temas constantes en las enseñanzas de Facundo Cabral. Cada una de sus palabras son sabias y creo que conjuga un montón de cosas dichas en el mundo, pero de forma difícil. Él lo pasa a palabras simples.
Constantemente hace referencia a que todo vuelve en la vida, dice…”si te hago mal, me hago mal”, esto es porque todos somos uno… entonces que importante amarse a uno mismo para amar a los demás.
No part of what she says is wasted, and listening to it several times makes you discover new teachings and reflect on them, like when she talks about surrounding yourself with intelligent people, wise people in order to get better every day and understand what we are looking for and life itself.
‘The wise person does not separate because everything is part of the whole, he is only attentive to the connections...’. What a beautiful phrase Facundo expresses. We are all one, we are all part of the same thing, we are each other's reflection, we come from the same source. That is why duality is a lie, it is used only to separate us. Wisdom and love are constant themes in Facundo Cabral's teachings. Every one of his words are wise and I think he conjugates a lot of things said in the world, but in a difficult way. He puts it into simple words.
He constantly refers to the fact that everything comes back in life, he says... ‘if I do you wrong, I do myself wrong’, this is because we are all one... so how important it is to love oneself in order to love others.
SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
La importancia de hacerse la gran pregunta: ¿Quién soy?, para muchos algo muy difícil de responder. ¿Te has preguntado eso mismo? Te invito a escucharlo. Porque podría hablar tanto de Facundo, pero él lo habla mejor y es maravilloso.
Le dejo también una lista de reproducción que tiene su canal oficial, sobre reflexiones hermosas, son videos cortos, pero muy buenos.
Quiero en esta oportunidad, para esta iniciativa, invitar a dos personas que reflexionan cosas de la vida, @nanixxx y @jesuslnrs, me encantaría saber sobre sus reflexiones y que aprendizaje han tenido.
Gracias a todos por leerme, estos temas me fascinan y traerlos aquí para mí es hermoso. Gracias. Un gran saludo y hasta pronto.
The importance of asking oneself the big question: Who am I, for many people something very difficult to answer. Have you ever asked yourself that question? I invite you to listen to it. Because I could talk so much about Facundo, but he speaks it better and it is wonderful.
I also leave you a playlist that has his official channel, about beautiful reflections, they are short videos, but very good.
For this initiative, I would like to invite two people who reflect on things in life, @nanixxx and @jesuslnrs, I would love to know about their reflections and what they have learned.
Thank you all for reading me, these topics fascinate me and to bring them here for me is beautiful. Thank you. Best regards and see you soon.
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#hive #youhive #reflections #videoreview
What you tell us about this professional is very interesting, I hope to be able to visit himGood morning dear friend @avdesing
What you say is true, one always has a lot of questions and the answers come at the right time
Have a lovely afternoon
Many years ago I listened to Facundo Cabral and it is wonderful what he talks about. Thank you very much!😃
Things do not happen by chance, there is always a cause. Thanks for sharing. ! Happy New Year!
Exactly! Thank you very much for stopping by and reading! Happy New Year!
What a beautiful phrase if you have a great dream you must make a great effort to realize it, this man speaks very deep things, I did not know this metaphysician, thank you.
for showing him
His reflections and teachings are great for life, worth every word. Thank you Monica!💗
The phrases that you mention that Facundo Cabral writes awaken a great interest in me.
Thank you very much for taking the time to let us know about his videos @avdesing
If you like them, I'm very happy, it says very nice things! Thanks to you.😃
This is pure gold, and he also shares many videos in an artistic way, pleasing to the ear and to the soul. Thank you very much for this contribution, I just subscribed, and I want to listen to the whole of No Estas Deprimido, Estas Distraido. Thanks for the invitation, I think I accepted it quicker than you expected, right? hahaha...
I said to me .... I can't be writing so fast hahahahaha amazing what speed Jesus!!!!
Facundo Cabral... his daughter and wife died in a plane crash and he was killed supposedly by a stray bullet... but his teachings are great. Thank you!
Whoever runs this channel does it in a very pleasant way, it is like to lie down to listen and reflect, great choice my friend, I'm going to subscribe my mom too hahaha, so it starts to appear on her homepage..
Sabes? Pensé justamente en tu mamá, le hará bien. Estoy segura.🤗
A common mistake is to confuse sadness with depression, sadness is a state of mind that if it extends over time leads to depression, which is already an illness, like the flu.
If you manage to get out of sadness, you can see things that were previously covered, you must be careful to first attack the sadness before depression arrives.
He says very good phrases and has a charm to make you feel them, very good channel recommended ❤️
Sadness and depression are not exactly the same thing and it is always necessary to detect what it is, before the situation worsens, but there is always a way out. Thank you Yami!💞
Hi @avdesing. In a while I will listen to the proposals you make us. For now I will keep the passion of the text you have written. For what you comment, especially in the question of the ego, it reminds me of other mystics, or special beings or whatever you want to call them, especially Krishnamurti.
As always it has been a pleasure to read you, woman with 2500 years of wisdom.
I knew him a long time ago, unfortunately he was killed, but his teachings are still present. He is great, I totally recommend him. Thank you very much!🤗
I haven't seen the videos, I'm busy with other things. But I'm sure I will. And truth be told, I'm sorry he died like that. By the way, on YT they have censored two comments I left you. At least I don't see them. It's actually one comment uploaded twice. I leave it here, I hope no one deletes it 🙂:
Have a nice weekend @avdesing.
jajaja me muero con el comentario jajaja nunca me llegó eso jajaja y si TY censura mucho hay que tener cuidado jajaja
Muy buen fin de semana!!
Había oído sobre sus letras, más nunca lo había leído, es , era una persona muy profunda, excepcional: hablar de la soledad de una manera tan detallada y natural dentro de un ser humano lo hace un hombre muy sabio...y ese es su mayor don, hacernos fácil la comprensión de la dialéctica metafísica, temas complejos que solo por el nombre solemos rechazar...
El análisis nunca ha sido tan fácil de admirar desde su perspectiva.
Hermosa persona que me he perdido de conocer.Gracias.
@avdesing, conocer a Facundo Cabral es un lujazo.
He is a simple person and makes his learnings known in a simple way. That is the most beautiful thing. Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it!💞
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It is a great achievement for me, an achievement with a lot of effort. Thank you very much!😃
I will! I'll keep up the good work!👍
Thank you very much for mentioning me. 🤗 Facundo Cabral shared so much wisdom with us. It is a pity that these messages are not heard by more people. And it is also a pity that a man with such clarity died the way he did.
I am listening very carefully and his words warm my heart, so I thank you again for so much and for this great journey, which, daily, we are all sharing.
I love his words and they are so simple that anyone can understand them. Thank you very much Nani!🤗
muy bueno e inspirador!
Muchísimas gracias!!!😃
Estoy leyendo un libro Gimnasia cerebral y uno de los pasos para ser mas inteligente es el autoconocimiento. Totalmente de acuerdo con este canal. No lo conocía y la verdad, me encanta topármelo en plena búsqueda de saber quien soy. Gracias mi dulce avesilla. Después lo husmeo bien.
Escucharlo es grandioso y a su vez relajante, es un genio. Gracias a vos!💗