Many times I have mentioned that ancient shamans believed that people had animal spirits that protected them and even gave some of their characteristics to people.
Muchas veces he mencionado que los antiguos chamanes creían que las personas tenían espíritus animales que los protegían y que incluso daban algunas de sus características a las personas.
No sé si será real o no esa afirmación, pero si es verdad que con el correr del tiempo descubrí mis animales, llamados animales de poder, o animales Tótems y los que siento son predominantes en mi son la pantera y el cabello.
Algunos días se manifiesta más uno y otros días el otro, aunque tengo más animales. No es casual que sienta amor infinito hacia los caballos y las panteras y que de hecho convivo con una mini pantera llamada Cata.
Recuerdo mi profesora de grafología de quien aprendí todos estos temas, me dijo, tenés que tener una gata negra porque tu animal es una pantera. Ella será tu protectora y guardiana. Y no se equivocó. Cata es una sombra que está conmigo noche y día, me acompaña a donde sea y me protege de una manera increíble. Sabe todo de mí, mis estados de ánimos, cuando no estoy bien … todo.
I don't know if that statement is true or not, but it is true that as time went by I discovered my animals, called power animals, or Totem animals, and the ones I feel are predominant in me are the panther and the hair.
Some days one manifests more and other days the other, although I have more animals. It is not by chance that I have an infinite love for horses and panthers and that in fact I live with a mini panther called Cata.
I remember my graphology teacher, from whom I learned all these things, told me, you have to have a black cat because your animal is a panther. She will be your protector and guardian. And she wasn't wrong. Cata is a shadow that is with me night and day, she accompanies me wherever I go and protects me in an incredible way. She knows everything about me, my moods, when I'm not well... everything.
Por ello cuando hace muchos años encontré estos dos canales en YouTube me apasionaron. Por supuesto uno se refiere a una pantera y otro a un chico que ama los caballos y doma caballos salvajes con una técnica especial.
Realmente no recuerdo cual de los dos canales encontré primero, pero los dos son geniales.
El primer canal que les traigo corresponde a una chica rusa que encontré un gatito negro, pensando que era un simple gatito lo adoptó y finalmente era una pantera.
Si bien los videos están en idioma ruso, tiene la posibilidad de poner toda clase de subtítulos por lo que podemos entender lo que se dice.
La pantera se llama Luna y se ha criado en una zona de mucho frío, incluso mucha nieve. Se crio en un hogar cálido, bajo el cuidado de una pareja de rusos que la adoran. Ellos antes tenían una perrita, una gran perrita y Luna siempre la ha seguido y aprendido.
That's why when I found these two channels on YouTube many years ago, I was passionate about them. Of course one is about a panther and the other one is about a guy who loves horses and tames wild horses with a special technique.
I don't really remember which of the two channels I found first, but they are both great.
The first channel I bring you is about a Russian girl who found a black kitten, thinking it was just a kitten she adopted it and finally it was a panther.
Although the videos are in Russian language, it has the possibility to put all kinds of subtitles so we can understand what is being said.
The panther's name is Luna and she grew up in a very cold area, including a lot of snow. She grew up in a warm home, under the care of a Russian couple who adore her. They used to have a puppy, a big puppy, and Luna has always followed her and learned from her.
En muchos de los videos se muestra la confianza que Luna tiene por su dueña. Conociendo yo de gatos les puedo decir que cuando un gato se coloca boca arriba mostrando la panza significa plena confianza por su dueño. Y Luna tiene esa confianza.
Queda por preguntarse si al ser un animal salvaje en algún momento el instinto no saldrá a la luz. Por el momento parece que no, y creo que hay luna tiene más de cuatro años.
En los diversos videos se muestra a Luna jugando, saltando por el bosque lleno de nieve. También en un sofá lavándose, en compañía de su dueña y mucho más.
In many of the videos you can see the trust Luna has for her owner. Knowing cats, I can tell you that when a cat lies on its back with its belly showing, it means full confidence in its owner. And Luna has that confidence.
It remains to be asked if, being a wild animal, at some point the instinct will not come to the surface. At the moment it seems not, and I think Luna is more than four years old.
In the various videos Luna is shown playing, jumping through the snowy forest. Also on a sofa washing herself, in the company of her owner and much more.
Por supuesto es sorprendente lo que come, no es poco y para mantener un animal así se hace necesario contar con un presupuesto especial. Pero veo que al comer no es voraz, sino que pacientemente espera que su dueña la alimente.
En uno de los videos que les traigo se muestra como una presentación de Luna. En otro un video que realizo su dueña por el primer año de Luna con un complicado de varios videos que ella filmaba cuando Luna era pequeña. Pero todo el canal es maravilloso porque se ve a un gato grande comportarse como si fuera un gato doméstico y se ha adaptado muy muy bien.
Of course it is surprising what she eats, it is not little and to keep such an animal you need a special budget. But I see that when she eats she is not voracious, but patiently waits for her owner to feed her.
In one of the videos I bring you is a presentation of Luna. In another one a video that her owner made for Luna's first year with a complicated of several videos that she filmed when Luna was little. But the whole channel is wonderful because you can see a big cat behaving as if she was a domestic cat and she has adapted very very well.
Una de las escenas que más me gusta es cuando Luna mira por la ventana y su mirada dice… no quiero salir, ¡está nevando! Y la otra cuando se está lavando en el sofá y le da el sol. Se parece a mí Cata, sólo que, en distintos tamaños, por supuesto.
One of the scenes I like the most is when Luna looks out of the window and her look says... I don't want to go out, it's snowing! And the other one when she is washing herself on the sofa and the sun is shining on her. She looks like me Cata, only in different sizes, of course.
El siguiente canal que les traigo pertenece a un chico argentino que ama los caballos y eso se nota a simple vista. Al ver sus videos siento ese amor, esa empatía por ellos, porque a mí también me pasa.
Sólo tuve la posibilidad de montar a caballo una sola vez en la vida, pero sentí como si lo llevara en la sangre, quizá porque mi familia paterna es gente de campo. Sentí esa conexión profunda con el caballo, se llamaba Indio. Me encantó esa experiencia y espero algún día tener un caballo propio. Mientras tanto les comento de este fantástico canal.
The next channel I bring you belongs to an Argentinian guy who loves horses and you can see that at first sight. Watching his videos I feel that love, that empathy for them, because it happens to me too.
I only had the chance to ride a horse once in my life, but I felt as if it was in my blood, maybe because my father's family are country people. I felt that deep connection with the horse, his name was Indio. I loved that experience and I hope one day to have a horse of my own. In the meantime I would like to tell you about this fantastic channel.
Lamentablemente no tiene mucha cantidad de videos, pero si muchos suscriptores y me encanta la manera en que Martín trata a los caballos. A veces cuando miro los videos siento que los caballos lo ven como uno más de ellos y por eso es que se acercan a él
Martín los entiende de una manera diferente, se nota en su mirada y la manera en que los trata le es muy espontánea, muy natural.
Es domador de caballos, pero con la técnica de la confianza y métodos de los antiguos que vivían en las tierras de Latinoamérica. Se nota entre Martín y los caballos una relación que es difícil de logra. Creo que la calma, la seguridad y la empatía las utiliza muy bien cuando se acerca a ellos y ellos responder. Él los comprende y en esa comprensión está la clave de todo.
Unfortunately it doesn't have a lot of videos, but it does have a lot of subscribers and I love the way Martin treats the horses. Sometimes when I watch the videos I feel that the horses see him as one of them and that's why they approach him.
Martin understands them in a different way, you can see it in the way he looks at them and the way he treats them is very spontaneous, very natural.
He is a horse trainer, but with the confidence and methods of the ancient people who lived in the lands of Latin America. There is a relationship between Martin and the horses that is difficult to achieve. I think he uses calm, security and empathy very well when he approaches them and they respond. He understands them and in that understanding is the key to everything.
El caballo es un animal muy noble que ha servido al ser humano desde tiempos inmemoriales, pero también ha sido muy maltratado por el hombre y a veces ellos tienen traumas, Martín también los ayuda en ese tema.
En uno de los videos que les traigo Martín habla sobre si mismo y su actividad y en otro sobre un caso especial que el trató, de un caballo con mucho miedo, pero también delicado de salud y cuya dueña no se había dado cuenta.
The horse is a very noble animal that has served the human being since time immemorial, but it has also been mistreated by man and sometimes they have traumas, Martin also helps them in this matter.
In one of the videos that I bring you Martin talks about himself and his activity and in another one about a special case that he treated, a horse with a lot of fear, but also with delicate health and whose owner had not noticed it.
Este post lo dedico a todos los que aman los animales como yo, en especial panteras y caballos.
Muchas gracias a todos por leer y ver hasta aquí, espero tengan un gran día. Hasta pronto.
I dedicate this post to all those who love animals like me, especially panthers and horses.
Thank you all for reading and watching this far, I hope you have a great day. See you soon.
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Thank you so much @youhive 😃
Wow, to think it's a simple kitten and then pum, what a surprise haha 😂
These two channels are the proof that certain people have a special connection with certain animals and also show us that no matter how wild an animal is considered, they have another side that only very few are able to win 😍
A lot of big animals get domesticated... I don't know about totally but I want that panther hahaha and I want a horse!!! hahaha
My God, she has 17 cats, an iguana, a dog, an owl and a panther. I loved the cat exercising on the wheel and Mr. Director.
On the subject of the panther I have my reserves... (the food issue is the least of it... 😟) At first I thought the mice were for the dog and the panther, but then the cats came out and I thought they were for them... and then the owl came out... How crazy!
I am still enjoying the videos of the man who understands and helps horses. There is a lot of life philosophy there.
The truth is that to keep all these animals well.... is total madness.
Horses, my god I love horses!!!! I love that philosophy you use... it gives off such a good vibe!
What an interesting post, I love this kind of things, I think we all have a certain connection with different animals and it can manifest itself in our way of being
Without a doubt your cat Cata is a great companion
Have a lovely afternoonHello dear friend @avdesing
You can take part in the initiative, it's still going on! I love animals, parts of nature, they have so much to give us. Thank you very much always!
Beautiful panther looks like a tender kitten even eats mice and lots of meat I think my pocket is not suitable for this type of activity and of course the second video gave me a lot of tenderness as it stretches on the bed is very tame
As for the boy horse trainer speaks with passion about what he does pity the girl who hurt his hand on his horse but he does a great job they say that those who achieve that connection with these animals are too smart why their results show it for themselves.
Neither is my pocket! But I love that panther!
Many times the connection is amazing, that's what strikes me the most. Thanks Monica!😃
I'm a fan of nature, I love that you've introduced us to these beautiful video channels
I like horses, but so far I haven't had the opportunity to ride them, I love horse riding, maybe one day I can go to a school
Have a beautiful afternoonHello @avdesing
I'm sure you'll get the chance, you're still very young and you have your whole life ahead of you. Have a lovely evening, thank you!😃
#hive #review #channelreview #animalchannel
Hi, I like how a puma and a dog play, nice post my lady.👍👍👍
Thank you Cholito!! 🤗🤗
Parecen bastante interesantes estos canales.Muy buen post
Muchas gracias, un gran saludo!