I always say that the good thing about art is that I see one thing and someone else can see another and I love that, in the variety one is enriched.
Thank you very much for reviewing me! That video was special, it was inspired by the times I have dreamt of stairs that mean problems and different paths, that apparently have no solution, but of course they always do.
The woman emerges for me as a resolution, her central eye is the visionary, the one who can see beyond and solve problems. And I placed nature because the ancestral power comes from her, from the universe itself. By this I meant that if I had followed my intuition and my heart in another era, I would have made fewer mistakes and would have found solutions to problems quickly.
It was a strange interpretation, but everyone interprets according to their inner self, that's the great thing about art, that's how you also get to know people, by what they see in each work. Thank you very much!
You missed to add two people that you invite to be part of the initiative... 😉
Siempre digo que lo bueno del arte es que yo veo una cosa y otra persona puede ver otra y me encanta que pase eso, en la variedad uno se enriquece.
Muchas gracias por reseñarme! Ese video fue especial, está inspirado en las veces que he soñado con escaleras que significan los problemas y diversos caminos, que aparentemente no tienen solución, pero por supuesto siempre la tienen.
La mujer surge para mi como una resolución, su ojo central es el visionario, el que puede ver más allá y resolver los problemas. Y la naturaleza la coloqué porque el poder ancestral proviene de ella, del universo mismo. Con esto quise decir que si en otra época hubiera seguido esa intuición y el corazón me hubiera equivocado menos y hubiera hallado rápidamente solución a los problemas.
Ha sido una interpretación rara pero cada quien interpreta según su interior, eso es lo genial del arte, así también se conoce a las personas, por lo que ellos ven en cada obra. Muchas gracias!!!
Ta faltó agregar a dos personas que invites para estar dentro de la iniciativa... 😉
Yes, in the description of that post your vision and intention is evident... and of course I skipped that because it would contaminate what I could see being already influenced by your idea, that's why I emphasize to see the video first and hopefully people will be encouraged to give play because in the end that is what is important and what I want as a result of reviewing it, you already know the rest and it's my vision... I want this but tongue version hahahaha
You do a lot of nice works, practically all of them... you could try some bizarre ones which is not in your nature but it would be a good experiment.... THE TONGUE JAJA
Bizarra.... lengua??? Tipo el grupo de rock?? jajajaja