Playing with HSV values is not entirely easy, but it does achieve very good effects to achieve certain parts of the drawing more quickly. I see that it will save me a lot of time in terms of making the shadows of the images, the truth is I am very grateful for Joe's tutorial, although he does not explain what he does (I do it for him hahaha) but he does show the process.
It has been a pleasure, I have really enjoyed talking about it, but I had to control myself because I was going to lengthen the video, I didn't do it because my phone does not have much capacity to record more than 12 minutes on video, and doing it in parts multiplies the time too much. I work for me (that's why the videos I made of Mesmer the Witcher gave me so much editing work, because they were so long)
El jugar con los valores HSV no es del todo sencillo, lo que si, es que se consiguen muy buenos efectos para lograr ciertas partes del dibujo mas rápidamente. Yo veo que me ahorrara mucho tiempo en cuanto a hacer las sombras de las imágenes, la verdad estoy muy agradecido por el tutorial de Joe, aunque el no explica lo que hace (lo hago yo por el jajaja) pero si muestra el proceso.
Ha sido un gustazo, he disfrutado mucho hablar del tema, mas bien tuve que controlarme porque iba a alargar el vídeo, no lo hice porque mi teléfono no tiene mucha capacidad para grabar mas de 12 minutos en vídeo, y hacerlo por partes multiplica demasiado el trabajo para mi(por eso los vídeos que hacia de Mesmer el brujo me daban tanto trabajo de edición, por lo largos)
No matter how short the review is, the important thing is your opinion, to tell us, for example, what you thought of the video, if you apply it, what results it has given you... your personal experience. Thank you very much for being present!
Ah I see, now I have a clearer picture, knowing this I can create the videos more calmly. Thank you.
ah ya veo, ahora tengo mas claro el panorama,ya sabiendo esto puedo crear mas tranquilamente los videos. Gracias.
Over time, everyone will get better and better, and seeing other examples will make us feel much more confident.
I've been making videos for 20 years, but of a different type, it's just that in reviews for this new community because I still wasn't completely clear about the parameters such as what things to include and what not to, now seeing other examples I'm sure I have a better idea. I'm waiting for Oscar's videos, to have a better reference of what is allowed to be uploaded here and what is not (as for the way of making the videos, not the contents, because there is still a doubt that I have and I don't know if I can make the videos like this because I'm not sure if it will be okay or not, maybe I'll explain better to Yami by voice on telegram and they'll send you the audio to better explain what I mean).
But yes, I suppose that by watching more videos here of how they do it, we will all have a better reference.
Creo que Oscar publicará esta noche, noche de allá Venezuela, yo vivo en el futuro jajaja
Ah muy bien, estaré pendiente, si, siempre bromeo con eso, eres del futuro pero a la vez no lo eres, es tan raro eso la verdad! 😀
Muchas horas de diferencia... 6, cuesta congeniar!! Saludo!