There are very few videos that I have seen which cause such a wide spectrum of sensations in the psychology of the viewers, when we see a movie or a video they offer something that the lyrics will never give and it is a defined execution in images of an idea that in rare occasions can surpass the imagination and the experiences of the people who observe, by becoming an infinite ramification of their thoughts and opinions.
Sia's Elastic Heart is a video that exemplifies the reflection I just wrote, you have an artistic dance sequence that exploits the best and the worst of people, I don't think that was its purpose but that is what I perceive since it is one of those rare videos of which I have been encouraged to read the comments and they are so varied that they enrich and nurture the idea of what the video wanted to explore as well as offer anti-nutrients which are not few that disconnect with the intention of the video and generate a totally repulsive response in a good part of the audience that has seen this video.
I enjoy seeing the grotesque in things and even more when they bring out the most grotesque in people, this is what I mean by that portion of the audience which I call anti nutrients since they not only disconnected with the idea of the video but also drained the good of the idea that was wanted to be transmitted.
Son muy pocos los videos que he visto los cuales causen un espectro tan amplio de Sensaciones en la Psicología de los espectadores, cuando vemos una película o un video estos ofrecen algo que nunca las letras darán y es una ejecución definida en imágenes de una idea que en contadas ocasiones puede superar la imaginación y las experiencias de las personas que observan, al volverse una ramificación infinita de sus pensamientos y opiniones.
Elastic Heart de Sia es un video que ejemplifica la reflexión que acabo de escribir, tienes una secuencia de baile artístico que explota lo mejor y lo peor de las personas, no creo ese fuese su propósito pero es lo que percibo ya que es uno de esos contados videos de los cuales me haya animado a leer los comentarios y son tan variados que enriquecen y nutren la idea de lo que se quería explorar en el video así como también ofrece anti nutrientes los cuales no son pocos que desconectan con la intención del video y genera una respuesta totalmente repulsiva en buena parte de la audiencia que ha visto este video.
Disfruto ver lo grotesco de las cosas y mas aun cuando estas sacan lo mas grotesco de las personas, a esto me refiero con esa porción de la audiencia a la cual llamo anti nutrientes ya que no solo desconectaron con la idea del video si no que también drenan lo bueno de la idea que se quería transmitir.
I share with you the official video of Sia's song called Elastic Heart which is one of the most striking I have seen and with the best acting quality, it has a lot of human animal nature. The Human Being by definition believes to be the center of the Universe and how not to believe it with such a powerful ability as intelligence and rationality of ideas.
The video and its sequence, which I consider artistic, clashes with intelligence and rationality because of the explosive nature of various feelings that are the protagonists in this story such as joy, violence, protection, family, union, family fracture, vices, sins, legality, the frowned upon and I fall short with the rest of the elements that this video can transmit in people.
The Synopsis of the video would be a small and fragile girl dances happily and sadly with a Man in a Cage. The first question that comes up is if it is Art what we see in that video or it is the animal cruelty of the human being that is represented.
Shia Labeouf is the male element of the video which in turn is the aspect that causes more repulsion, he becomes abuse and violence in the minds of many, I remember when this video came out and I talked to a friend of Sia's fan from college, she was not happy with what she saw, I noticed it on her face and in her eyes of disappointment, not only she did not like the supposedly artistic sequence of the music video, in fact what caused her was repulsion for representing for her a rape.
Les comparto el video oficial de la canción de Sia llamada Elastic Heart que es de los mas llamativos que he visto y con mayor calidad actoral, tiene mucha naturaleza animal humana. El Ser Humano por definición se cree el centro del Universo y como no creérselo con una habilidad de tanto poder como la inteligencia y la racionalidad de ideas.
El video y su secuencia que considero artística justo choca con la inteligencia y con la racionalidad al ser la naturaleza explosiva de variados sentimientos los que se hacen protagonistas en esta historia como la alegría, violencia, protección, familia, unión, fractura familiar, vicios, pecados, legalidad, lo mal visto y me quedo corto con el resto de elementos que puede transmitir en las personas este video.
La Sinopsis del video sería una pequeña y frágil niña baila feliz y tristemente con un Hombre en una Jaula. La primera pregunta que se viene es si es Arte lo que vemos en ese video o es la crueldad animal del ser humano lo que se representa.
Shia Labeouf es el elemento masculino del video el cual a su vez es el aspecto que mas repulsión causa, el se convierte en abuso y violencia en la mente de muchos, recuerdo cuando este video salio y lo hable con una amiga de la Universidad fanática de Sia, ella para nada estaba contenta con lo que vio, lo note en su rostro y en sus ojos de decepción, no solo no le gustaba la secuencia supuestamente artística del video musical, en realidad lo que le causaba era repulsión por representar para ella una violación.
I was stunned by what she was telling me because I only saw a good performance of which I take the opportunity to highlight minute 3:19 where I see the purest human instinct made dance and art between these two artists. Shia Labeouf as an actor may or may not be in several movies I've seen of him and I wouldn't care but in this video he does an excellent job as well as the girl.
At the beginning of the review I mentioned that this video caused ramified sensations that I have rarely seen and that's because it is so, just read some comments and I think I admire the intention of SIA, Director of the music video and all the people intellectually associated in the proposal and execution of this music video because if for you he is a violent male element, your idea is valid, if you see him as a father caged in alcohol, your idea is valid, if you see him as a father who died and that girl in her mind struggles to bring him back .... that idea is valid. ... that idea is valid.
In each comment there are so many versions of the true story conveyed by this video that it becomes satisfyingly overwhelming to read them.
I dare to tell you what I see, I simply see two actors doing an artistic dance with very funny moments for the exaggerated gestures of the characters along with a super strange drama which I leave aside because I see that the bars are wide enough for him to also get out and not stay locked up there haha, I want to see in comments what you really see and the feeling that causes in you this video.
Yo quede estupefacto ante lo que ella me decía porque yo solo veía un buen performance del cual aprovecho de resaltar el minuto 3:19 donde veo el mas puro instinto humano hecho baile y arte entre estos dos artistas. Shia Labeouf como actor puede estar o no estar en variadas películas que he visto de él y me daría igual pero en este video hace un excelente trabajo al igual que la niña.
Al principio de la reseña mencionaba que este video causaba sensaciones ramificadas que pocas veces he visto y es porque es así, solo lean algunos comentarios y a mi me parece de admirar la intención de SIA, Director del video Musical y todas las personas asociadas intelectualmente en la propuesta y ejecución de este video musical porque si para ti el es un elemento masculino violento, tu idea es valida, si lo ves como un padre enjaulado en el alcohol, tu idea es valida, si lo ves como un padre que murió y esa niña en su mente lucha por volverlo a traer.... esa idea es valida.
En cada comentario hay tantas versiones de la verdadera historia que transmite este video que se vuelve satisfactoriamente abrumador el leerlas.
Me animo a decirles que es lo que yo veo, veo simplemente dos actores haciendo un baile artístico con momentos muy graciosos por los gestos exagerados de los personajes junto con un drama súper extraño el cual dejo de lado porque yo veo que los barrotes son lo suficientemente amplios para que el también salga y no se quede allí encerrado jaja, quiero ver en comentarios lo que verdaderamente ves y la sensación que causa en ti este video.
I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul..
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Sia is an artist through and through and every video is proof of this. I also perceived a lot of displeasure with this video because she is a child and he is an adult representing what you mention about violence but, well, art is subjective as they say and for me, it is nothing more than a situation X that someone wants to get out of. It is like an internal struggle of a person (The girl would be the part that wants to free herself from that problem and the man would represent the part that cannot be freed and prefers to stay where he is). The cage would represent the psychological prison from which one wants to escape but at the same time not because it is easier to stay in the comfort zone. The bars, as @avdesing says, are mental. He wants and cannot get out of said psychological prison. This video is a work of art. A complete internal struggle. Love your review... Love that you brought Sia here.
And the amazing thing is that the overwhelming majority has a tendency to see this video like this, as an agonizing reality of a person in his mind or both, the point is that the reflection that leaves is a real one and tends to be positive as in all her videos, a struggle to get out of a bad moment that can even be tragic
I really appreciated this video and the comments are gold, people basically express their experiences when watching the video, SIA suffered a hate attack for this and she looks like a woman with noble feelings as if she was a girl .... how not to understand that she wants to cover her face and not be so persecuted by fame or actually the media
In the end she overcame this thanks to as she would say the good people who really do see in this a very real message and a great message to reflect on
Los límites son siempre mentales, no hay límites, sólo los que la mente crea, creo que esto es fuerte en el video!
¡Exacto! Yo no vi vio***cion ni nada parecido pero bueno , el arte es subjetivo jeje
Tampoco vi eso... depende de la persona... yo vi una lucha de mentes.
IvanaX lo que ve son puros gatitoooos 😂....
Deja a mi hermana en paz, ella ve lo que quiere!🤣
Let's start from the premise that art is interpreted by the person who sees it, according to beliefs and lived experiences, that's why each person sees different things in art and this is more than art.
Maybe the director of the video, of the theatrical part and Sia wanted to expose something, but people will interpret it according to their mind and what they have lived.
I see a girl, or a strong woman who faces what happens to her, it can be a situation of violence, she confronts it and in the struggle her mind is stronger. But she realises that the man is what he could have been and not something else, she wants to help him to get out of the cage... the bars are mental, in reality he can get out but he thinks he cannot. She wants to help him because she was able to get out of mental barriers that limited her... .... he is not.
Now I read what I wrote... and I described myself. It's a great video for people to reflect on themselves. I knew it and had already analysed it at the time, as I mentioned to you. Sia does amazing things, I love it! Very good review Oscar!
a classic is a classic, I really liked your interpretation which is very psychological like ivanaX's, it was a very unfairly hit video in its time but for me it is what you mention, a work of Art in all its expression and to see the amount of views reflects how much has come not only as a song, but as a video in sequence of choreographic image this story to people and that will never be taken away from SIA 😎
La verdad es fantástico! Y lo seguirá siendo, siempre habrá gente que hable, bien o mal, pero siempre habrá... de un video o de cualquier cosa... que hablen!
Para esa época la repulsiva semilla del feminismo radical y victimismo estaba floreciendo. A mi me gusto el performance y no le vi nada malo, como ese montón de gente que salió a culpar a Sia de cosas horribles, la artista cometió el error de salir a pedir disculpas si eso ofendía a alguien. Estoy en contra de que los artista salgan a pedir disculpas por sus obras. Por esas cosas de pedir disculpas, la minoría progre izquierdista se siente con derecho de imponer sus ideas por encima del resto.
Me encanta a música y los videos musicales de Sia, especialmente los que hizo con la ese entonces niña Maddie Ziegler.
hay un video parodia de ese video musical que me hizo reír bastante.
aquí te lo dejo:
no se puede ver indexado aquí, debes entrar a youtube
Yes, this video came out just at the dawn of that bizarre trend that now had the weapon of social networks to make more noise and fuck everything that crosses its path, this video is a victim of that kind of mentality that sees patriarchy in everything.... even in their souls.
I am sorry that SIA suffered this disappointment because she is a very fragile woman.... I was watching these days a little more of her etc and it seems to me a woman who in her mind is very innocent even in her way of trying to insult haha, the point is that she did not deserve to be devoured by intolerance, fortunately time has shown that this video reached the hearts of people to stay, just look at the number of views and that amount is not only for the song, is also for the performance
I saw the apology tweet and if it was a mistake to apologize to people who only wanted to devour her, I do not know what happened with the counselors but I think she should have remained silent, it is difficult because she expected everything but that reaction and it is seen that she is a very fragile person to which this affected her a lot .... by the way where if she is strong is in the physical that has SIA, some legs that pol gave santi santi that legs SIA 😍
Yes, the videos with that girl are great 😃, I'm going to watch the video parody on youtube haha