That, the initiative to talk about some channel on youtube that focuses on animals I have one to talk about, I hope soon to bring it and the ideas are great, thank you very much youhive for this brainstorming so we can give our opinion of videos or channels that we like 😃
Eso, la iniciativa de hablar de algun canal en youtube que se enfoca en animales tengo uno para hablar, espero pronto traerlo y las ideas estan buenisimas, muchas gracias youhive por esta lluvia de ideas para que podamos dar nuestra opinion de videos o canales que nos gustan 😃
I'm sure it's a channel about pandas... it could be! The idea is that people who can't participate in the initiative have other possibilities and alternatives and that they can give free rein to their imagination, have more variables. Thank you very much!🤗