Regarding your first point Matt is talking about 'community' in the context of one of these front end sites that displays content curated for that community. If THAT community doesn't like someone they can turn on them. That person can then just go and find another group. Groupthink only really applies when there is one giant group. When you have the big group broken into thousands of smaller groups all with the same power the problem reduces greatly.
As for your second point, Matt would have to address that one.
You're romanticising communities. The ONE POWER doesn't need to be the majority. In his point it exists just like in regular society. THE ANGRY MOB is the power he is referring to. So for that free speech doesn't actually exist unless the content fits within agreed upon norms.
That is no different to society and it also negates your point about content having the right to be offensive. Matt's point practicably says, no one can be offended by content on our platform so to avoid that it needs to stay within certain parameters... which the Mob determines.
His point on law also sneakily masks the fact that for that to be available to the platform managers there would still be a centralised power ability as he states "we can comply with that" so then again, that is no different to mainstream.
This dream to be the hero of free speech yet repeat the same principles needs to be seriously reimagined or it's destined to fail. The only true free speech is the right for anything to exist. Even illegal activity. If then, the MOB is unhappy with that, then they have the right to ignore it, like you said in the video. Or they can attempt to Doxx the owners. Which is how the FBI deals with illegal activity on Tor.
That's why free speech is really a falsehood because it's not an independent form of expression. The action is both tied to a real world individual, and the speech itself is bound by other factors such as legality. Which, vary greatly all over the world.
These points would need to be raised and discussed with Matt in a follow up discussion.
from few videos that i watched, it will be easy to make a frontend or your page, so if you want to show everything you can but it will be your responsibility. you can also show it and spend time to Doxx those people.
for the account to be muted on the chain level, you need a decent amount of all kinds of people to agree whit it. so i am pretty sure that it will not happen for anything that has to do with speech or being offensive. because if you are in the decentralized space for a while you seen how hard is for people to agree on much simpler stuff.