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RE: Ejercicios de Guitarra para Manos y Dedos

in Music3 years ago

Good stuff man, I'm sorry I can't understand the video but sounds like you are explaining all about the sounds and shape and how to play some sounds.

I came here via dreemport


Hey @ablaze! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

Yes, I'm explaining the basics. Parts of the guitar (strings, fretboard, etc) and some warm-up exercises in order to avoid injuries. And finally an exercise to develop the strength and dexterity of the fingers. This is important before you jump right into playing chords.

On Sunday I will upload the following video where I will teach my students the first chords.
Unfortunately, it is in Spanish, but with the screen graphics that I use, I think it'll be very easy for everyone to follow and participate. In case you are interested! 😉

But who knows, maybe you already know how to play guitar.