Music Monday
Every Monday I intend to post a music video (and a few words explaining my choice) I invite you to join me by doing the same in the comments section below. As the forum (hopefully) grows my aim is that we begin to inspire our fellow Hiveians to broaden their musical horizons by listening to the music that inspires us. The only thing I ask is that (where possible) every song we listen to is played nice and loudly on headphones or speakers in order that we capture its true essence.
As more Hiveians join this venture there is also going to be the possibility of being rewarded for our musical tastes via the number of upvotes each song receives. That said please never feel awkward about posting a track, a guilty pleasure, or even your own musical ventures. I have an extremely wide range of musical interests but also understand that music like beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder. As such I may play my chosen song, but who am I to define what constitutes good music.
Song: Ganja Daze
Artist: Kottonmouth Kings
Gifs courtesy of giphy.com
Written by @perceptualflaws Banner Gifs create by @doze
I can say I did enjoy your selection, I like the rhythm and flow of the music, I was reading and doing other things, so I can't say about the words/lyrics, but it was a pleasant background sound.
From the past, and no reason why I picked it other than I like the song, I have no idea what the meaning behind the song is, or behind the title. I am sure there is some meaning, to 25 or 6 to 4 but to be honest I just like the get moving feel this song gives me.
Hey my friend .. hope you've been keeping well through these crazy times. Glad you enjoyed my choice this week .. I also really enjoyed yours .. not sure about the numbers .. maybe its the keys?? :D Whatever it is I'm digging the sounds .. love the guitar work and the funky overtones. Thank you for sharing and thank you for the music .. an excellent choice :)
You got me curious so I went to look and see if there was mention of meaning somewhere. There was, lol.
I usually mean exactly what I say, except when I don't. I know a lot of people like that.
lol, yeah I got a giggle out of that.
Oh snap!
Seems like ages since I participated in the last music Monday!
Clutch has been my favourite band for over 20 years and it is neat to see them old dogs learning new tricks. They are streaming rehearsals and concerts from their studio, selling merch to locked down fans, and staying engaged with their fan base.
Love these guys and not for the front of ear.
Hope you are doing well my friend.
Hey no worries man .. it's been a pretty messed up few months and I've also taken a few breaks. Godd to see you though, hope life has been kind to you. :) I do love a bit of Clutch .. but unfortunately it wouldn't play without me confirming my age and I don't have an account. But I'll certainly take a look at what they've been doing over lockdown. :)
This is one of my old days smokin' tunes, I haven't smoked for years but I think at times I loved the smell more than I liked smoking weed....lol.
Hey my friend .. hope you've been keeping well. I don't actually smoke anything these days either .. plus I was never a tobacco smoker, but tracks like both of these certainly take me back to the smoke-filled rooms of my youth! lol And what a great track yours was .. love a bit of Skynard and it's been a long time since I heard this so thank you for sharing and thank you for the music .. an inspired choice! :)
Well, it's certainly not the best time to be a small business owner and my back hasn't helped lol But I'm getting there .. I think? :D Hope you've been keeping well? Funnily enough, I was only listening to the original a few nights back .. an excellent song and a great rendition by your good self .. really impressed with the production as well! A true talent you have there my friend .. thank you for sharing it and thank you for the music. :)
Ha great stuff .. and yes I couldn't agree more .. you could see some of the audience were a bit hesitant to some of it, and that makes it even better! lol Hope you've been keeping well my friend .. thank you for the music, just the laugh I needed lol :D
Too funny! KMK, wow I haven't heard that name in a hell of a long time! Really appreciate bringing that name back to my mind, thanks my friend!
Hmm let's see, how about this nice little tune?
One of my favorite Boston rappers, Mr. Lif
Jugular Vein
Hey no problem my friend .. just started listening to some of their stuff again and they did some great tracks! Never made it that big over here .. but it takes me back to some funny nights lol equally, really enjoyed your selection this week .. not heard Mr Lif before but I'm digging this .. great flow! Thank you for the music @cmplxty .. really enyoyed this one! :D
Really sorry about your back!!! That sucks. I've been struggling myself but nothing new.
Will read your articles over lunch today if I can.
For chill, we always put on Robert Luis.
Jamie used to know him back in the Brighton Days. You might know of his mixes.