Heroes of Holdem Season B has ended! Season C already in full swing with weekly leaderboards!

Hello Heroes! Today our Season B with 3000 $USDC up for grabs has come to an end. Also this is the start of a new Season C1 and this time to make it even more competitive we will have weekly leaderboards. The battle for the top places is already in full swing, but first, let us have a look at the official standings at the end of season B.

End of season leaderboard.png

Congratulations to our top 3 players:

  1. Maiconrech $600 - Thief
  2. 777Admirall777 (@admirall777) $400 - Thief
  3. CoupDeGrace $300 - Necromancer

Massive achievement and a lot of played tournaments and sit and goes. Shoutout to the 3 top players who absolutely dominated the rest of the field.
On the lower end of the leaderboard, a lot changed in the last few days of the season. @pokermaria managed to get a payraise by slipping upwards a few places and @solymi unfortunately missed the money by 2 positions.

The full leaderboard:

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To claim your winnings you have to do a few steps and it involves our discord so make sure to get on there!
Follow these simple steps: @pokermaria on 16th taking home 50$ congratulations!

  • Contact Zabulus on Discord and tell him your Screen name
  • Verify your signup email
  • tell him how you want your winnings, you can choose between a combo of USDC and H$RO tokens or USDC only. You can also have your full payment in H$RO

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We take things seriously and if you get caught cheating (and you will get caught) then it will have consequences. We want to keep things fair to everyone, please help us to achieve this.

community updates

To all our players who are reading this and who have no HIVE account yet. Feel free to create one with our referral link to PEAKD. It is free! We would like to build our community around web3, this is a nice web3 environment, where we can post updates and tap into the great community here as well.

create your hive account here!

If you want to spread the word you can write about your experience on our community page that can be reached here:

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If you have questions regarding account creation please feel free to ask in discord and we will help you! Let us know your when you join so we can help you get started.

Season C1 will stay with H$RO leaderboard

As we are fixing an issue with the leaderboard transition we will keep the current system and will pay winnings to most H$RO earned. Each sub season will last 10 days so new players can have a better experience when starting to play. @admirall777 is already leading the field again so go and catch up!

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Read our whitepaper!

For all those who just found out about our game, you will find all the necessary information in our white paper and of course, we are happy to answer any questions in our discord community or here in the comments.
HoH Whitepaper

Check our trailer on youtube!


Start your journey by clicking on the banner below! See you at the tables! Good luck!


Seeking for an investment opportunity? Check out our campaign on Chainraise!

Thank you for reading our update! Please feel free to leave a comment and should you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!


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Thank you! We really appreciate it. Have you tried the game?

Yeah. It is a fun combination between poker and the powers of the Cards.