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RE: Some Nice Silver from Turkey

I always thought Turkey would be a cool place to visit but I feel like it is far too dangerous for Americans these days. I think I am going to end up paying spot price for most of my silver when I buy it. I have waited so long I likely won't have time to hunt for bargains.


I agree, it's just too dangerous for American right now. The sad part is they are a member of NATO, you would hope safety wouldn't be an issue. I also always wanted to go to Petra, in Jordan. That one is much safer for Americans, but anywhere in the region has it's risks. I never minded being in the green zone in Iraq because it was very safe even though we were at war, but these days as a civilian the middle east would just make me too nervous to visit...

After the election there may be some buying opportunities, at least I'm hoping!

Yeah, it's sad. So many cool places we may never get to see if the world continues to go down this path. I'd be down for some buying opportunities!