Happy Mother's Day! One thing Mom taught me, was about, the Sales Deals, at an early age. I understand the importance, of Coins, being handled with care. Take this $70, whoops, this $29, Proof American Silver Eagle. Condition means a lot, in numismatics. But, when it comes to stacking, it's a lot about the Precious Medal's weight.
Some cringe, when it comes to mishandled, Coins like these, but they are, still, 0.999 pure Silver, under the imperfections. I like circulated, Coins, that can be touched, handled & felt, without the worry, of devaluing the treasure.
I do feel for the person, that paid the excessively high premium, on this twenty-one-year-old, proof American Silver Eagle.
I miss you, Mom. Thanks for your love, and all you did for me, and our Family. Happy Mother's Day, all.
These two American Silver Eagles, turned up in the Local Coin Shop, Junk or Generic Box, at $29(USD) each. A Stackers delight, at today's prices.
A while back, the LCS Dealer, told me that a Coin Star Vendor, sold him 4,000 “mishandled” American Silver Eagles. Yes, I missed out on that opportunity, which is why one must be in the right place at the right time. And, don't get me started, on the conspiracy-theory, of a major bank, that is manipulating, the Silver Market, by buying, melting & recycling, freshly minted American Silver Eagles.
This is not intended to be any kind of financial advice. This is all about a fun hobby, of collecting & stacking Silver Coins, Treasures, and such.
Thanks again for checking it out, on #silvergoldstackers, where Stackers show & share their treasures thought & ideas.
Where is you LCS, hahaha!Sure is a stackers delight, @cve3.
Thanks again for looking and showing your interest, SILVER SAVER - @silversaver888.
Rough shape but still an ASE which is all that matters
Wow that’s the roughest I’ve ever seen
A CoinStar Vendor?
Thanks for looking, Kerris L Ravenhill - @kerrislravenhill. Coin Star is a machine that exchanges one's pocket change for paper currency, or a voucher, good for purchases. Deduction (8-11%) service fee. They are common, in Walmarts & other grocery stores, in my area. The vendor or maintenance person, sets the machine, to accept or reject/return, certain coins. These ASE dollars, were accepted, for only $1 each. I always check the return slots, when passing them in Walmart. I have found many overlooked, returned coins, usually, another country's coin, buttons, washers, or just an overloaded machine. Sometimes, the machine rejects & returns Silver US Coins. I have found loaded, return slots, or just, one single, Silver Coin, several times.
This is one good looking coin. American Silver Eagles are great collectibles. They have produced a few different varieties. I could literally buy these all day and not get bored !
Thanks again for looking and commenting, @olympicdragon.
i hear that feels so good to touch the coins but it reallycsn ruin them pretty fast , that is a great deal you got
Thanks for looking & commenting, Blockman - @bitcoinman. Yes, that's one reason why I like circulated coins, one can't really hurt them.
I really like liberty silver design, I think this coin will be good gift for moms yes?
Fiat USD's going up in Value. Is this the start of monetary correction
They look quite ancient but still looking good
It's very big opportunity of silver eagle missed but, silver market is really unstable with multiple recycles