The Big Trade part 1 Horse trading.

20201124_200201.jpgSo I had some of these horse coins hanging around since '14 and decided to flip them back in December. Profits made I found the TD bank ( had a sale on their year of the pig silver round.

To my horror when my order arrived they had crossed out 'year of the pig' and shipped me some plain old generic TD silver rounds. NOT WHAT I ORDERED!


They're beautiful and all, but that's not what I was willing to accept for my horse swap.

About a dozen emails later(and months!) TD and I came to an agreement on how to solve the problem. Tune in next time for part 2 of The Big Trade.



That was a terrible surprise, TD should have had the courtesy to phone or emailing you of the change and not just unilaterally swap them for their generic rounds. Looks as if TD has expanded their selection since I last checked the site.

Thanks for sharing @edthecanadian , looking forward to Part 2

Yep, their policy is to contact the buyer. Otherwise I like the selection and pricing they offer, and free shipping on orders over 100.


Just checked it out, Free shipping for orders $1000+.
Oooo, they have the gold Buffalo at a decent price (Compared to SGB)
But it's that Part 7 that bothers me.

Interesting I hope you have a good outcome.

I think it turns out well 😎

I want my pigs!!!!

To be continued in a second post , can't wait.

I would have blown a gasket!

I hope you resolve this!!!

I can't wait, @edthecandadian.