These bills are gorgeous! Not for large scale stacking but it makes for a nice keepsakes and collector piece nonetheless. I like to get a few of these weird off the wall collectibles, most of them tell a story anyway.
Shawl, potted, clash
These bills are gorgeous! Not for large scale stacking but it makes for a nice keepsakes and collector piece nonetheless. I like to get a few of these weird off the wall collectibles, most of them tell a story anyway.
Shawl, potted, clash
Yes, they're great for collecting! I'm glad they make them.
Sorry, but the keywords were guessed already. If you reblog the post, you can still enter the drawing for 2 HSBI. 🙂
No worries, not that worried about the raffle, just trying to be more social and comment on stuff and I really like the bills.
I appreciate the comments! 🙂
I have one more I have I planned to post in a few days.
I'll keep an eye out then, thanks for the heads up 😀