It is the age of invention, wind and sail no longer determined the rich trade routes but by the power of steam and innovation. The glory of empire building by the projection of power is now on an industrial scale.
The advantage always goes to those who develop and innovate, or by those who control it by nefarious means, hook or by crook.
A fine looking ship of an era past.
It is the age of invention, wind and sail no longer determined the rich trade routes but by the power of steam and innovation. The glory of empire building by the projection of power is now on an industrial scale.
The advantage always goes to those who develop and innovate, or by those who control it by nefarious means, hook or by crook.
I thought you would like it...
I was thinking something along te lines of a steampunk styled Airship.
"A flying whale."
Sounds like something I'd come up with...
I've put together a banner like a movie poster.
Work in progress.