It's been tough. When the lecturer said he was going to set mind-blowing questions for his exams, he wasn't kidding.
I went in there and in the exam I started learning new things 😂😂😭
Regardless I got some inspiration based on what I learnt today so there's no problem.
The exam I'm talking about is my exam on Principle of Automative Engineering.
And because of that exam, I went out to search for a coin related to Automotives, and I found just that.
The AutoDollar/ 汽車錢
Yeah.. It was kinda rad seeing a coin on the first try, one whose design is so dope and in tune with it's theme and yet has a bit of a backstory on it.
Apparently, this coin, known by many names including The Automobile Coin or The Guizhou Car Coin is a coin minted by the Chinese Warlord Zhou Xicheng to commemorate the construction of roadways in the Guizhou province in the year 1928.
You just know he has to be a big thinker for him to be a warlord and building roads. Zhou infact was one of the last Warlords as he rose to power during the military and political upheaval of the Warlord era.
Still he did leave his mark, being the first Warlord to ever own an Automobile in the rural province, oversee road construction and the building and production of a mint and arsenal in Guiyang.
Zhou, unlike any other Chinese Warlord didn't commission any coin portraying his image, although his coins did have some hints towards him.
For on the obverse of this coin, it is his car that is portrayed and the grass intricately arranged to spell out his personal name Xicheng.
This coin is heavily counterfeited, with 684,000 original minted, yet it fell out of supply and regular circulation at the year 1930.
As of 2023, a certified example grade coin was sold for $336,000 at an auction.
Incredibly old, wonderful design, commemorative, good resale value and it's CHINESE!!!!
This is the silver coin for the win guys!!!
An auto dollar!
All live inside of a coins, same as history in the stamp, a piece of country in a little piece.
this guy. He died driving his car, on his road!Actually he died after he ran from his car on his road. Rebel forces attacked and killed him. He loved to go fast in his car, on his road. Going fast, he left his troops behind and therefore was a sitting duck for rebels.That is a wonderful history, @seki1. That was a tumultuous time in the history of China. I looked up
What a great coin, with a great story, @seki1
😂😂😭 that's probably the first recorded car accident 😂😂✨
I looked into one of these. They are a bit pricey and I can get an authentic one but you know my collecting style, so if I had that kind if cash I'd be more after the 'Junk Dollar' the one with the three birds above the sails version. Yeah, many counterfeits have been made of that one too.
That lecturer is so mean, lol!
Anyway, that auto on the coin is wow! Interesting story behind the coin too.
The pride of every king is the car he drives.
@seki1, I paid out 0.132 HIVE and 0.033 HBD to reward 1 comments in this discussion thread.