5th Auction for the SGS Monster Pit Splinterlands Deck

in Silver Gold Stackers3 years ago
Authored by @buggedout

Time for the 5th and final auction of 2021 for the @monsterpit fundraising account owned by the Silver Gold Stackers Community. The account is currently being played by @welshstacker who is a very experienced player and looking likely to set a new record high for the year with the @monsterpit account. This auction is the last opportunity to play with the account for 2021 so with Christmas around the corner and the Chaos Legion expansion launching imminently this is a great time to get involved playing the Splinterlands game and helping the SGS Community at the same time.

As with the last auction, all bidding will be carried out on the HIVE blockchain right here in the comments for this post.


The winner of the auction will receive :-

• Exclusive access to play the @monsterpit deck for 2 seasons
• Free membership to the Silver Gold Knights playing Guild for 2 seasons
• All DEC and Cards earned are yours to keep

The auction starts now and will run for 5 days from the time of this post. You need to have a reputation of at least 60 on the HIVE blockchain (to deter fake bids) but if you have a lower reputation and want to bid you can send the HIVE for your bid to the @ssg-community wallet and your HIVE will be refunded at the end of the auction if you are overbid.

This time the bids will be held in HIVE with minimum bid increments of 0.5 HIVE so if the current bid is at say 5 HIVE then the next bid must be at least 5.5 HIVE. There will also be an Anti-Sniping policy for bidding so that if someone bids just before the auction is due to finish, the bidding time will be extended by 10 minutes each time there is a valid over-bid to give other bidders a chance to respond. If you want to bid in the auction then please reply to the official auction comment below with your bid amount.


Remember that 10% of funds raised by this fundraiser will be put aside in a Bonus Pot and all of the players of the @monsterpit cards over the Splinterlands seasons of 2021 will go onto a Monster Pit Leaderboard which will show the highest ranked rating achieved.

The player who does the best with the @monsterpit deck over the course of 2021 will be crowned Champion of the Monster Pit at the end of 2021 and will win the Bonus Pot. So, if you’re a competitive player already then having a shot at this title and Bonus Pot prize is also worth a try.

NOTE : You are not allowed to delegate additional cards to the @monsterpit account if you want to compete on the Monster Pit Leaderboard as this bonus competition is intended to be on a level playing field.

Even if you don’t want to bid in the auction, you can help this community fundraiser by reblogging this post and telling your friends about it.

Thank you for your support!


Official bidding thread is HERE. Please reply in THIS thread and reply to the most recent bid to make sure the bids can be tracked.

I'm just here to drive the price up. I bid 10 HIVE..

11 hive

Winning bid is 11 HIVE by @psychkrhoz

Congratulations! Please send this amount to the account @ssg-community

thank you @ssg-community i already sent the amount.

Great. I am trying to contact you on Discord so that I can give you the posting key to play.

I am not Bidding to Get into the Auction I just Want to make a Donation to Your Card Stack and send !LUV
Here is The Card I am Sending to the @monsterpit

I Support the ssg-community ............
Thank You for all that you do for Us.............

Thanks! Please send the card to the @ssg-community account. If you send it to the @monsterpit account then it will belong to whoever is playing the current season.

The Card was already sent to the @monsterpit account so in the Future I will send any donation cards to the @ssg-community Account.
By The Way there is already a failed summoner in the Monsterpit account so this Single card will not change the level of the Card that was already there......

thanks for your valuable support. Great work. ❤️ God bless you.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 21

"Mah feit arenae toochin' bottom in thes pit mates...." 😵 -Keptin