What a lovely spot to have nearby your home! Wow, just wow! I had to laugh reading being only 61 this was easy, LOL. I'm younger but I have very bad knees and at the moment I really don't know if I'd dare to risk such a climb. I've seen many of these pictures of hidden spots, absolute gems but feels like a stupid move for me at this moment to check it.
Maybe when I'm 61 :)
Sucks being stung by the jellyfish, didn't know these leave marks for a month, man. So far I haven't seen any in person here, but saw a video recently of a guy educating people on a beach further that those jellyfish (he picked it up in the video) are harmless so people should leave them be.
I'm wondering, did you have many mosquitos this year at your end of Spain? I've developed a really serious allergy some years ago in Budapest when they attacked me in bulk one evening. This never went away and every summer I had extreme reactions to these nasty things. Packed with ointments and tablets I started this summer with two bites I think, really early in the year (me being horrified for the summer to arrive lol) and then.. nothing..
No issues outside when being in tapas bars, no issues on evening walks.. not in the home or on balcony, nothing. Like as if they are all dead :) (good for me!) But I'm curious is this something in our region or occurring there too?
Thanks for sharing such a cool spot btw, Spain has so many of these hidden gems, I'm excited to go exploring myself..
We made sure that around our house no water is left in buckets etc and I must say it was hardly a problem this year whereas in 2023 we were stung by midgets all the time.
This is what bothered me the most in the previous apartment, we lived at a public staircase and all the AC units had their water dripping down on that same staircase which was right in front of our windows. Not only did the mosquitos arrive in bulk there, but worse: wasps.. MANY of them lol. We tried capturing them but it didn't work, they loved the water too much.. Can you blame them with that heat?
We moved to this apartment in November and now live on a high floor, I was happy that the wasp issue would probably not be a thing.. We still have two of these AC units dripping water in a bottle but I have not caught more than 2 mosquitos in this home in total. The thing is, neither did they bother me anywhere on a terrace so it almost seems as if these little monsters didn't really appear in the same bulk amounts as the previous years.
Yay for me as this is the first year in I think 5 of 6 years straight that I'm not fully covered with inflamed mosquito bites all summer... As with your wife and the jellyfish bite lasting a month, I recognize this with mosquito bites being visible for that long or longer and it's not fun.
Hopefully, 2025 will have even less mosquitos lol.