Raw Silver and Silver Ore from Idaho

This is the Silver Ore I spoke of from our cross-country trip. It's from the Silver Valley near the Sunshine Mint in Idaho. This is a piece of high-grade Silver Ore. From the pictures it's not nearly as impressive as in person.




Raw Silver

These are silver crystal structures. They grow like this naturally but do require some cleaning from the host rock. I'm pretty impressed with these close-ups my camera took. Much better detail than with the naked eye.



I tried to blow the dust out but it wasn't happening without possibly damaging the crystals. Here is the size of them for comparison.


Thanks for checking out a little different kind of silver. Keep on stackin!!!


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Yes, silver bars and coins don't just magically appear on LCS shelves, they have a humble beginning as ore.

😂🤣😂 You mean I can't go dig up some Eagles and Maples. LOL

Those are awesome. Never seen that before.


It's crazy. You can find it in the old tailings piles. I got this at a local coin shop in that area. Pretty cool stuff!

I have never seen raw silver up close.

!discovery 23

It's way cooler in real life. You can see the actual Silver in the rock but it doesn't show up on pictures well.

Those look really cool I would love to have a small sample in my collection

They have some cool ones on eBay. I want to go back and get more! https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&_nkw=idaho+silver+ore&_sacat=0

Thanks for sharing I'll look into those

Very cool. But you’d need a mansion to stack silver that way…..🤣

And a good way to process it all. LOL

You must have scrutinized those so closely.

It was so cool to see Silver in this form. Highly recommend it if you ever make it to Idaho.

Well, that's one way to stack metals I guess 😂😂😂

LOL. It's cool to see what it looks like before it's processed. The mine there is insanely deep!

Oh wow, that is pretty cool. I don't think I have ever seen it in that state before. Pretty sweet! It must have been an awesome trip! My buddy was just out in Utah doing some trail riding.

It's got some weight to it too! That area of Idaho is amazing and I recommend visiting. The mine is so deep they have to wear cooling suits to work down in it. 😲

Oh dang, that is pretty deep. Haha, I thought you said Utah. Duh, I need to figure out my geography a little more!

😂😂😂 Utah is just down the road.

I think the final depth of the mine is 9,587 feet deep. WOW


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That is so unique and cool

It really is. Thanks for stopping by @voidd

Never seen raw silver this close. Looks really cool

It's amazing!

Wow it's first time I seen raw silver ore. It looks like some crystal's !

It looks even better in real life. I was really happy to get this stuff from the coin shop there.

These ores are usually processed to become refined gold