Oh hell yes, this is real.
My knowing or intuition is that alcohol lowers frequency which then allows those non-physical beings to "see" me. When my frequency is high it's like I am invisible.
I have experienced the arrival of some sort of predatory energy that wants to attach to me or act through me, in the rare times when I have drank excessively. It is for this reason that I only ever have 1 beer or drink anymore.
Why have any, some may ask? Well, I do really enjoy the taste of a good dunkel beer.
nice! i have seen a stark contrast between kinds of alcohol. especially supermarket mass-produced "spirits" are really bad, they open dodgy gateways readily.
i have had homemade honey wine from a friend once, and more than just a bit, and it felt completely different. like being infused with a warm and grounded energy rather than odd untrustworthy entity.
but the more i think on it, and read others' accounts - such as yours - the less i want to drink at all.