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RE: Introduce Your City Contest - SPORTS

in Introduce Your City3 years ago (edited)

Hi melinda,

I want to thank you again from the bottom of my heart. Everything you do for this community is much
appreciated and I not only mean for the IYC community but for Hive as a whole.
@beeber and I are deeply grateful for your support and advocacy.

Germany's unofficial national sport is football (not soccer :o). I think, this is the case for almost any
country in Europe.

Unfortunately I never even laid eyes on an actual baseball field, although I always was fascinated with the
sport, because a few of my favourite tv shows and films as a kid/teenager had baseball as a subject.

My mentors were Buttermaker (the great Walter Matthau) from The bad News Bears (in German "Die Bären sind los")
and Charlie Sheen's "Wild Thing" from Major League (Die Indianer von Cleveland). I loved the movies and the subsequent
tv show (New Bears) and the Major League sequels.

And not to forget "Field of Dreams".
"If you build it, they'll come." Was this the famous quote?

And although I never fully understood the rules, I loved watching it. The spirit of the game seemed to encapsulate the soul
of the american nation in the 80's and 90's.
And when I remember correctly, baseball was considered (and maybe still is) the national sport for a long time.

It's nice to see the young generation chasing the dream (and the ball) as vigorously as the generations before them :o).


1I love this contest and you both are doing such a great job with it! We spent the morning watching English Premier League Football. My son is a big fan and we are all anticipating the World Cup.

Many city parks have baseball diamonds. I think it is still considered the national sport. Both boys and girls have leagues. There are so many different leagues that I can't keep up! Major League, Minor League, Collegiate and locally there are a few Farm teams for players who are being watched by the Mafor Leagues. Kids play baseball, softball, slowpitch Tball. Baseball is a national past time!

My son. First T ball game!


TBall, is that the version with the ball on a platform for young kids to hit it more easily?
It is a pity, that Europe has not adopted this fine sport. There is a mediocre hype around American Football since the late 90's. There is a competitive league and I think the NFL regards the European league as some kind of farm league but for baseball, there is no such thing.
I hope, I'll watch a game or play on a field, when I visit america. That would be one dream of mine.

Your son looks professional in that picture :o).


You will have no trouble finding a baseball game to watch if you come to the US! You could even visit The Field of Dreams in Iowa! It's only about an hour and a half drive from my house.