Greetings, dear gamers. I hope you are very well, just to finish this week, I bring you this gameplay with Pocco, one of the Brawlers that are rarely seen in the games, something ironic that is read this way because it even ends up rhyming, this is mostly because of the events that we end up unlocking to play, where normally Brawlers with better attack and resistance are required, but this character does not meet those specifications, so maybe he is a little undervalued for that reason. It happens that I had to do the missions with him and believe me that in the three games I could play with him, they were in victory very quickly, I'll tell you what happened.
Hace un tiempo atrás me hice una reseña y gameplay a este Brawler, había comentado lo bueno que es al momento se hacer soporte a otros Brawlers durante la partida y lo eficaz que se vuelve con su guitarra sonora, así que después de tanto tiempo, me toco realizar las misiones con él y debo confesar, no sabia como jugar en ese caso, aunque la misión es simple, recuperar 60.000 puntos de vida con Pocco, sabiendo que su súperpoder es prácticamente curarse, no es complicado, así que aproveché en mezclarlo con la misión de derrotar nueve enemigos en atrapa gemas, es así como logré ur avanzando con las dos a la vez sin mucha complejidad. No tenía previsto jugar con él de esta manera, pero si puedo decir que me gustó mucho cada partida.
Some time ago I did a review and gameplay to this Brawler, I had commented how good it is at the time to support other Brawlers during the game and how effective it becomes with its sound guitar, so after so long, I had to do the missions with him and I must confess, I did not know how to play in that case, although the mission is simple, recover 60. 000 life points with Pocco, knowing that his super power is practically to heal himself, it is not complicated, so I took the opportunity to mix it with the mission of defeating nine enemies in gem catcher, that's how I managed to advance with both at the same time without much complexity. I had not planned to play with him in this way, but I can say that I really enjoyed every game.
Pude grabar toda la partida desde que inició y créanme, fue muy divertido en ese caso. Más que todo porque no sabía qué hacer desde un principio, como pueden ver, estuve dando vueltas buscando ciertos ángulos perfectos de ataque, sin descuidar el centro donde estaban los otros dos Brawlers de mi equipo, por poco muero en ese instante, pero no fue así. Curiosamente este Brawler resistió toda la partida sin caer, entre dar soporte de curaciones y moverse de un lado a otro, pudo sobrevivir muy bien, también influye que los Brawlers enemigos eran más de ataque a distancia, algo que me puede destruir fácilmente es un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo, recordemos que este Pocco no tiene buena resistencia en esos casos.
I was able to record the whole game since it started and believe me, it was a lot of fun in that case. Mostly because I didn't know what to do from the beginning, as you can see, I was walking around looking for certain perfect angles of attack, without neglecting the center where the other two Brawlers of my team were, I almost died at that moment, but I didn't. Curiously this Brawler resisted the whole game without falling, between giving healing support and moving from one side to the other. Curiously this Brawler resisted the whole game without falling, between giving healing support and moving from one side to another, he was able to survive very well, it also influences that the enemy Brawlers were more of a ranged attack, something that can easily destroy me is a melee attack, remember that this Pocco does not have good resistance in those cases.
Entre tantos movimientos rápidos, pude al menos tomar en captura de pantalla y video los momentos de curación, es fantástico el poder de este Brawler, porque recupera 2520 puntos de salud con solo agitar su guitarra, eso es demasiado a decir verdad. Más que todo jugando de esta manera donde debemos tomar mejor ventaja en cada instante, así es como pude mantener con buena vida a mis aliados, pero sin descuidar la misión principal que se s atrapar todas estas temas. Esto fue todo por esta entrega, gamers. Nos vemos a la próxima.
Among so many fast movements, I could at least take screenshots and videos of the healing moments, it's fantastic the power of this Brawler, because he recovers 2520 health points just by shaking his guitar, that's too much to tell the truth. Most of all playing in this way where we must take better advantage in every instant, that's how I could keep my allies with good life, but without neglecting the main mission that is to catch all these subjects. That was all for this installment, gamers. See you next time.