I accept your offer. But right now my Hive wallet is almost empty!. We have to wait for funds.
How long will it take to complete the project?
What do you have in mind for partial deposit? Once I have the partial deposit I can transfer it and you can start the project as we did with the last project.
I estimate the project will take about 5 working days from starting to reach a state that can be presented to you and that you can begin working with and using. I estimate there will likely be about a week afterwards where we communicate on the project and tweaks and adjustments are made. I will be able to begin the work about a day after partial deposit. I think 20 HIVE would work as the deposit, 20 HIVE once the project is completed and presented to you, and then the final 10 HIVE after tweaks and adjustments are made to ensure it works and fits best for your needs. Is that feasible and acceptable?
Yes, I accept. As for the payment schedule, I propose the following:
Initial deposit - 10 Hives
2nd partial payment - 20 Hives
Final Payment - 20 Hives
This way you can start working on the project earlier. If I have to pay 20 Hive as initial payment we have to wait for another 10-15 days before we start the project.
Let me know if this is acceptable to you.
Unfortunately I will not be able to agree to the new proposed payment schedule.
I can change the 2nd and Final amounts so that the schedule becomes:
Initial deposit - 20 HIVE
2nd partial payment - 10 HIVE
Final Payment - 20 HIVE
It is OK with me. The only thing is if the initial payment 20 Hives that means we have to wait another 10-15 days longer to get started with the project. I will let you know as soon as I have 20 Hives in my wallet.